—18→ —19→ —20→ —21→ —22→ —23→
Recently three letters, said to be written by Emilia Pardo Bazán to Don Benito, were published in the Mexican newspaper Excelsior (November 14, 1971). Some persons to whom I have talked have expressed doubts about the genuineness of these letters, basing their opinion on the saccharine tone and the profusion of endearing terms used by the writer. It is my intention to show that they are authentic and to shed more light on the circumstances which provoked them.121
First, as to dates. Letter I speaks only of the «desmontes que se hicieron en la granja en el mes de septiembre», placing its composition after that month. Letter II is dated «Hoy 25» and speaks of the unfavorable review of Morriña which Clarín has published, adding that «hasta fue a sacarme una falta de gramática cometida en la Dama joven.» In fact the review appears in Madrid Cómico (November 9 and 23, 1889) and contains the sentence «¿Se puede decir desandó por desanduvo, como dice Doña Emilia dos veces, una en su colección La dama joven, y otra no recuerdo dónde?» It follows that Letter II must almost certainly be by Pardo Bazán, as no forger would be aware of this detail. Doña Emilia also says, giving vent to her rancor «Ya en mi artículo sobre Eça de Queirós, enviado al Imparcial, algo le molestó indirectamente a Clarín, quitándole esa posición de novelista satírico y movido que él quiere arrogar». The article on the Portuguese novelist appeared on November 25, 1889, the same day that Letter II was penned. It cannot be the 25th of a later month, say December, because in her text Pardo Bazán says she will leave for Madrid December 8th.
Letter III is headed «Marineda 3» and announces her departure for «el lunes próximo», a day after the previously stated Sunday, December 8. She is sending this letter Tuesday. In 1889 December 3 falls on Tuesday. The three missives are from the same relatively short period of time.
While writing the first Doña Emilia is in Madrid, but planning to go to Galicia where her son Jaime is suffering from a fever. Galdós is in Santander. Letters II and III find Galdós in Madrid and their author in La Coruña.
In all three the Countess is looking forward passionately to a renewal of intimacy. Letter I: «Cada tarde que salgo por esas calles de Dios, regularmente sin objeto y [con] pretexto de alguna tienda, echo de menos aquellas salidas misteriosas en busca de las dulzuras de nuestra intimidad, en busca del asilito nuestro, del tugurio encantador.» Letter II: «Cariño: Ya que estás ahí, busca el asilo, porque no tardaré en confiar mis piaras al hipogrifo violento para ponerme a la tu vera.» Letter III: «En tu carta me señalas el sitio en que hemos de vernos, sea en el asilo, sea en Palma-Strasses.»122
These phrases imply that a clandestine relationship had existed for some time, and that the two lovers may have met secretly in Madrid, as possibly evidenced in Doña Emilia's words «Yo necesito mi propia estimación, perdida desde hace año y —24→ medio. [...] que murmure de mí el universo entero, pero que yo me juzgue bien. Y el caso es que cada día también te quiero más.» (Letter III)123
But the most recent episode of the affair was an encounter in the Rhineland, where apparently the two lived and travelled together. Letter I: «Hoy le dijo a mi marido no sé quien ni donde, que tú andabas por el Rhin y que no se tenían noticias tuyas. Al participármelo añadió una broma diciendo que sin duda seguías mis huellas. Te lo advierto, para que haya, cuando del caso se trate, cuidado en retrasar la fecha tuya y en variar el itinerario. Creo que muchas cosas son fáciles con un poco de habilidad. También sería conveniente, para prevenir toda contingencia, que al enviar las pruebas de Realidad pienses una carta maquiavélica, contando el viaje por Colonia y Schaffhouse y pidiéndome consejos reservados sobre Realidad.»
In 1889, after reporting on the Exposition of Paris, Pardo Bazán made a tour of Switzerland and Germany. Some of the last articles collected in Al pie de la torre Eiffel carry the following headings: Zurich, Sept. 10; Munich, Sept. 12; Nuremberg, Sept. 14; and Karlsbad, Sept. 20. She is back in Paris on Sept. 28.
Now Galdós's itinerary during the month of September, 1889, is the following. He left for England shortly after September 3,124 and wrote to his friend Pepe Alcalá Galiano that he would reach Newcastle on Tyne the 5th or 6th of the month.125 A bill from the Royal Hotel, Edinburgh, shows that Don Benito stayed there September 9 and 10; a second receipted bill for purchases of clothing in Newcastle carries the date Sept. 11, and still another from the Shakespeare Hotel, Stratford, is dated Sept. 12-13, 1889.126 On «viernes 13, 1889» Alcalá Galiano writes Galdós, presumably at Stratford, saying that he and Mary, his wife, are leaving for Paris and will meet him either in the Charing Cross Hotel, London, or at 13 rue Mausart, Paris. But on October 18 Pepe tells his friend that he had to renounce the Paris excursion and that Mary went on to Nice. He adds «No me dices a qué punto de ultra Rin te fuiste perseguido por el aburrimiento.» Mary also writes an undated letter telling Don Benito that she went to the Paris Exposition alone since Pepe had to remain in Newcastle because he had no vice-consul, and that when she was in Paris, Galdós «estaba más lejos de lo que yo creía».
From these facts it is evident that Galdós, leaving Stratford September 14 and not finding his friends either in London or Paris, could have joined Pardo Bazán somewhere in Germany a few days later. It seems likely that he was with her when she sent her dispatch from Karlsbad September 20. If they made a Rhine trip to Schaffhausen (see Letter I quoted above) it is possible that they spent some time together in Switzerland. In his Memorias de un desmemoriado Galdós mentions a stay in Geneva and in Lausanne, which he attributes to the time of his first and second trips to Paris, perhaps covering the real date as Pardo Bazán had suggested.127 In any case, it is difficult to fit this excursion to Switzerland into any other epoch of Galdós's travels.128
Returning now to the letters published in Excelsior we note that Pardo Bazán has found Don Benito rather inclined to break off their intimate relations, something which goes quite contrary to her feelings. Letter I: «Dirás, ¿y por qué me pareciste fría alguna vez? Ratoncito mío, porque se me figuraba que no era yo para ti lo necesario, lo indispensable, la pareja. No eran tus abstenciones, por causas higiénicas, las que así me hacían pensar. No. Era más bien cierta sensatez que si en parte aplaudo, en otra parte me sublevaba...» Letter III: «Si me quitas ese medio corazón —25→ voy a tener un serio disgusto; aguarda al menos un poquito... ¿Quién es capaz de saber los enigmas del porvenir?
«Somos insustituibles el uno para el otro. Sí, mi gloria, sí -lo somos. A mí no sé qué me parece la idea de estar sin ti [...]» Clearly a rupture of their relationship is in the offing. We shall see that one cause was Galdós's affair with Lorenza Cobián.
But Doña Emilia did not give up easily. A letter recently received at the Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós shows her trying to win back Don Benito's affection. It is headed «Hoy 3» but in the text she says it is a Sunday. The possible days would be August 3, 1890 and September 3 or December 3, 1893. I tend to favor the last date as it is a rainy day in Madrid. The letter deserves reproduction in its entirely, although unfortunately the last page has been lost.
Evidently this letter is an attempt to win Galdós back to a closer relationship through an appeal to his compassion for her loneliness and to his gentlemanly instincts. We must not presume that Don Benito broke off all friendly contacts with the Countess. Notice that she had been helping him with Realidad. She was to read the proofs of the novel (see quotation above from Letter I) and has apparently read only the first act, when she gives her opinion in Letter II: «Ahora te diré lo que me ha parecido Realidad. Me gusta muchísimo ese acto, y preveo ya, como si lo estuviera leyendo, el 2.º que pasará en el asilo de los dos amantes. ¿Me equivoco? Del primero me ha gustado especialmente la 2.ª parte, la que pasa en la alcoba. La 1.ª tiene más movimiento y se podría representar.»
These last words perhaps were the suggestion that turned Galdós to the theatre. In any case, when Realidad finally did appear on the stage (March 15, 1892), Doña Emilia was there at the rehearsals as the author's advisor. When Mario, the empresario, was unable, because of influenza, to schedule the reading of the play to his troupe, he writes Galdós postponing the session and says «Así lo participo a la Exma Sra Dª Emilia Pardo Bazán, diciéndole al propio tiempo que le avisaré con antelación, tan pronto como mejore.»129 Clarín, who was then very inimical to the Countess, writes (Feb. 11, 1892): «También me escama la intervención de Dª Emilia. Me han dicho que anda muy metida en eso. ¡Malo!»130 Obviously Don Benito had not cast her off like the proverbial worn-out glove.
Furthermore, he supported her candidacy for entrance into the Royal Academy. In the Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós (filed under Academia, Carpeta 37, Legajo 2) is a printed document urging the admission of Pardo Bazán to the Academy, signed by about twenty persons, mostly women, but including Benito Pérez Galdós. Two other similar documents, dated July 2, 1894 and June 21, 1914, do not have Don Benito's signature, but their existence in his file bespeaks his interest.
For her part, Doña Emilia continued to extol Galdós the literary man. In her Nuevo Teatro Crítico she praises Ángel Guerra (Núm. 8, agosto, 1891, pp. 19-63), announces the approaching estreno of Realidad (Núm. 13, enero 1892, pp. 93-96) and reviews the play (Núm. 16, abril 1892, pp. 19-69), reviews Tristana (Núm. 17, mayo 1892, pp. 77-90), and shows a more than literary interest in the great novelist in an article describing Galdós's study in Madrid (Núm. 8, agosto 1891, p. 65).
While it is clear that friendly relations between the two authors did not cease, there is further evidence that Galdós drew the line at friendship. This we see in another newly acquired letter in the Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós, in which Doña Emilia shows deference for his desire to maintain a prudent distance.
Doña Emilia did, in fact, visit Galdós and described his palacete (as she called San Quintín) in an article in La Época.»131
We cannot doubt, however, that despite her circumspect behavior, the embers of her old passion still glowed in the Countess's breast. When she heard that Galdós was sick, she wrote the following note, on paper headed by the coronet which she used after the death of her father (March, 1900) when she inherited the title.
I have suggested that a principal reason for Galdós's break with Pardo Bazán was his involvement with Lorenza Cobián, the mother of Don Benito's daughter María. The latter was born in Santander, January 12, 1891, consequently she must have been conceived in April, 1890, that is to say, only some four or five months after Doña Emilia's third impassioned letter. A copy of the Certificación del acta de nacimiento in the Casa-Museo tells us that «dicha niña nació en la casa n.º 24 piso 3.º, de la Cuesta del Hospital, a las diez de la mañana del día 12 del corriente. Que es hija ilegítima de D.ª Lorenza Cobián, natural de Bodes, provincia de Oviedo, mayor de edad, soltera, dedicada a las ocupaciones de su casa y vecina de la del nacimiento; que es nieta por línea materna de D. Tomás Cobián y de D.ª Josefa González, casados, labradores, naturales y vecinos de dicho Bodes, y que a la expresada niña se le había de poner el nombre de María.»
—28→Galdós had a real affection and a feeling of responsibility toward Lorenza. Contrary to his previous custom, he spent the winter of 1890-91 in Santander. The second volume of Ángel Guerra is dated «Santander, diciembre 1890»; the third part «Santander, mayo de 1891.» Although the plaque placed by his admirers on the house in Toledo where he habitually stayed states that here he wrote [...] Ángel Guerra, Don Benito's letters to Navarro Ledesma tell a different story. On January 16, 1891, he asks Navarro many questions about the «imperial city» and says he will make a flying trip to Madrid and Toledo in February. On February 8 he writes that he will leave for Toledo in ten days. He did make the trip but spent only a week in Toledo.132 Surely his presence during the winter in Santander was due to his interest in Lorenza and his new born daughter. Another detail: the heroine of the novel he was then writing is named Lorenza, although usually called by her nickname, Leré. Finally, he bought the land on which he was to build San Quintín about this time, and obtained permission to fence it in November, 1890.133 Don Benito seems to have intended to make his principal residence in the northern city, near Lorenza and his child.
Some letters of Galdós to María, dated in 1905 and 1908 have been published.134 They show María spending the summers in Bodes and going to Gijón for sea bathing. Above all, they show a tender concern for the daughter, and in one of them (Aug. 19, 1908) the author says he has deposited funds with a banker, Don Lucas Llano, upon whom she may draw.
Some new letters are now at hand in the Casa-Museo. One which is hand printed (probably because María was then too young to read cursive writing) lacks a page or two in the middle. It reads:
Here something is obviously missing. The next page continues
[...] «á Madrid. Diga el portero, no hagas caso. Estando yo por medio, nada teneis que temer. Hasta muy luego. No digo el dia, para dar la sorpresa. Deseo mucho verlas. Mil cariños y abrazos de B.» |
Another affectionate communication was written on paper of the «Baños de Sobrón (Álava).»
Unfortunately this harmonious albeit irregular union had a tragic finale. On July 31, 1906 Don Benito wrote two letters, one to María's aunt Dolores, the other to María herself. They are as follows:
«31 de Julio Estimada Dolores: la desgracia de su pobre hermana, que ya venia padeciendo de fuertes manias, me obliga á suplicar á Vd. que se encargue de acompañar constantemente á María, que aunque es de buen natural, tiene el genio demasiado vivo y necesita tener á su lado á una mujer de su familia. Nadie para el caso como Vd. No repare Vd. en sacrificios porque yo atenderé á todo. Por el momento, esténse ustedes en Madrid unos días, instalándose en la casa de la calle de San Bruno, donde estarán mejor que en ese solar. Luego volveran á Arriondas,135 porque es preciso que Vd. vea á su madre y la consuele en esta desgracia y despues de estar con su madre, irá V. con María y Mercedes á Gijón para que durante el mes de Agosto, tomen unos baños de mar. Antes ha de hacerse María un trajecito de luto. Ya sabrá V. que tengo una afección á la vista, para la cual han de hacerme una operacion, de la cual dicen que quedaré bien; pero que es muy molesta porque antes y despues de ella he de estar muchos dias con los ojos vendados. Ya pronto me pondré en cura -pero antes he de arreglar las cosas de ustedes. Todo esto ha venido en circunstancias muy tristes para mí, pues no puedo valerme, ni salir de casa, y aun me cuesta mucho trabajo escribir esta carta por lo mal que tengo la vista. Con que ya saben. Me escribirán ustedes mañana 1.º de Agosto, ó el 2 lo mas tarde, y para el 4 recibiran la mía resolviendo lo que han de hacer, y mandándoles dinero si lo necesitan. Luego, en las Arriondas recibirán mas, y aguardarán tranquilas á que yo me opere, para resolver lo demas. Espero que Vd, Dolores hará que María me obedezca, y de Vd. espero que será su segunda madre. Yo se lo agradeceré mucho, y cuidaré de todos. Hasta su carta, y conservense buenas, llevando con paciencia estas amarguras. Suyo afmo. Don Benito» «contestar las dos á todo lo que aquí les digo.» «Santander 31 de Julio. 906 Querida María: recibi ayer tu carta del 29 en la que veo confirmada la terrible desgracia. Yo lo había leído en los periódicos; pero como recibí carta tuya escrita el 23 en Bodes diciendome nosotras llegamos aquí el jueves, pensé que la noticia de los periodicos no era cierta, y en esta duda he estado algunos días, pasando muy malos ratos. Si me hubieras dicho que tu mamá quedaba en Madrid, yo le habría escrito tratando de sosegarla de sus desvarios. Ya sabes que tu pobre mamá venía hace tiempo atacada de delirio persecutorio; ya le dije que esto era una enfermedad. A los que la padecen no se les debe dejar nunca solos. Hiciste —30→ mal en largarte á las Arriondas dejando á tu madre sola en Madrid. No me extraña que la soledad separada de ti haya acabado de trastornarla, llevándola á un fin tan desgraciado. ¡Pobre Lorenza! El sentimiento que me ha causado su muerte no se me disipará en mucho tiempo. En fin, ya no hay mas remedio que tener paciencia. Ahora, estas mas obligada que nunca á una obediencia ciega á cuanto yo te mande. En ello te va el porvenir. Yo no te mandaré nada que no sea para tu bien. En cuanto recibas éstas, me escribirás respondiendo á estas preguntas que te hago: ¿Que casa es esa donde estás? ¿Porque no has ido á tu casa de San Bruno? ¿Si está tu tía Dolores contigo, no estarían mas comodamente en vuestra casa? ¿Tienes alguna ropita de luto? Si no la tienes es necesario que te la hagas, pues has de volver á Asturias por una pequeña temporada. Otra cosa tienes que decirme: ¿Que dinero tienes? ¿Cuanto has gastado de lo que te dió el Sr. Llano? A este Señor mandaré mas para que te lo entregue cuando vuelvas á las Arriondas. Bueno. Escríbeme en seguida, y tú y Dolores se aguantarán en Madrid hasta que yo les ordene la salida, enviandoles á Madrid dinero si les hiciere falta. No se pongan Vds. en camino sin orden mía para que yo sepa siempre donde estás. Tengo que mirar por ti, y lo primero es contar con que me obedecerás en todo absolutamente. Te quiere mucho y te manda muchos cariños tu papá B» |
Don Benito has read something about Lorenza's tragic death in the newspapers. What he saw in La Correspondencia de España (July 26, 1906) was the following:
What are we to conclude about Don Benito from our incomplete knowledge of these two love affairs? In the first place, he was not a Don Juan, a type who needed, —31→ as Zorrilla says, one day to abandon his conquests and one hour to forget them. Promiscuous, irresponsible men appear frequently in Galdós's novels in very unattractive roles, showing the disapproval of their creator towards their way of life. Joaquín Pez, Alejandro Sánchez Botín, Manuel Pez (in La de Bringas), José María Bueno de Guzmán, and Juanito Santa Cruz range from weak to despicable. None is admirable. Yet when we come to Realidad, contemporary with Galdós's own acts as a seducer (or as the object of seduction?)136 we find in Federico Viera a seducer who, for the first time in Galdós's writings, evokes pity rather than contempt. Probably Pardo Bazán sensed the parallelism between Federico's love affair with Augusta and the situation in which she and Don Benito found themselves. As she gives her opinions about Realidad, she says: «Aquella mujer, que quiere y venera a su marido y sin embargo le roba el amor por hastío de la propia regularidad moral y material que preside a la existencia de... ambos ¡cuán verdad es! ¡Cuán leal y cuán simpática para los que tienen veta de artistas!» (Letter II)
In his constant friendship for Doña Emilia and his affection for, and financial support of Lorenza and María, Galdós was a much more admirable and responsible man than most of his biographers have portrayed him. His extreme reluctance to talk about his personal life allowed myths to grow up about his «pathological» interest in sex.137 It is time that a more restrained and accurate appraisal of his love affairs should prevail.
Univ. of Minnesota. (Retired)