J. S. Cabarga, «Santander en la biografía de Galdós», Boletín de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo 36 (1960), p. 376.
Carmen Zulueta, Navarro Ledesma, pp. 281-3, and 326.
J. M. de Cossío, Rutas literarias de la Montaña, p. 326.
Arriba, Feb. 24, 1960 and El Heraldo de Madrid, July 16, 1927.
Bodes is a municipio in the district of Arriondas.
In one conversation with the late Dr. Gregorio Marañón, on Jan. 17, 1951, he told me that Maria's mother was una mujer del pueblo and that women of the common people sometimes sought Galdós, rather than his seeking them.
He also said that Galdós had humorously related to him Pardo Bazán's attempts to seduce him.
See H. Chonon Berkowitx, Pérez Galdós / Spanish Liberal Crusader, pp. 21, 330, and 419.
See W. H. Shoemaker, «Una amistad literaria: la correspondencia epistolar entre Galdós y Narciso Oller», Boletín de la Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona, XXX (1963-1964), pp. 247-306.
See Enciclopedia Espasa-Calpe. Also Narcís Oller, Memòries literàries, Barcelona 1962, pp. 190-193. Interesting light is shed on Sitges' interest in Jewish matters, and in particular on his attitude to the conversion of the protagonist of his story by Oller's insinuation that Sitges himself was of Jewish origin. As well as informing the reader that Sitges was «un incansable hebraista que perseguía amb viu interes tot el que sobre aquest ram de coneixements historics s'escrivis o s'hagues escrit», he describes him as «de trets un xic semitics» (p. 190).
Narcís Oller, op. cit., p. 192.