Since these pages were written Carmen Bravo Villasante has published an edition of the love letters between Galdós and Doña Emilia which, unfortunately, we have not been able to find. Editor's note.
The Calle de Palma was around the corner from Pardo Bazán's residence in the Calle Ancha de San Bernardo, and here she probably refers to her own house. She uses Strasses (for Strasse) simply as a recollection of their recent meeting in Germany, which we shall chronicle in a moment.
On the other hand, Pardo Bazán may be referring to some other moral crisis, unrelated to Don Benito. Another letter in the Casa-Museo, dated «La Coruña, 7 Dbre 1888» commiserates with Galdós on account of the opposition to him in the Academy and invites him to contribute to La España Moderna. Its tone is friendly but far from amorous. For example, it begins «Mi buen amigo e ilustre doctor» and ends «Su amiga y admiradora invariable, q.b.s.m. Emilia Pardo Bazán.»
R. Schmidt, Cartas entre dos amigos del teatro, M. Tolosa Latour y B. Pérez Galdós, p. 42; also S. Ortega, Cartas a Galdós. p. 147.
Letters of J. Alcalá Galiano in the Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós, Carpeta 1, Legajo 19. See letter dated Aug. 26, 1889.
Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós, Carpeta 40.
Obras completas, VI, 1735.
He states that he was at the Hotel des Bergues in Geneva and the «Hotel Giwon» (for Gibbon) in Lausanne. The former still exists but has no records from 1889; the latter was destroyed in 1920, and only the register of permanent guests is still in existence.
S. Ortega, op. cit., p. 357. (Dated Feb. 12, 1892.)
Ibid., p. 262.