Stephen Harrison, «The Composition of Persiles y Sigismunda» (Doctoral Thesis, University of Toronto, 1979), DAI 39 (1979); see also his «Magic in the Spanish Golden Age: Cervantes's Second Thoughts», Renaissance and Reformation, N.S. IV, O.S. XVI (1980), 47-64. (N. from the A.)
The printed version reads: O --> Porras --> Cuesta; it has
been changed to conform to the correction sheet issued by T. Lathrop. -FJ. (N. from the E.)
Criado de Val, Análisis verbal, pp. 35-39; Aylward, pp. 32-35. (N. from the A.)
Aylward, pp. 38-39, alludes to this. (N. from the A.)
Aylward, under the heading «Scribal Inconsistencies», lists (p. 66) some of these differences (in «El celoso extremeño»), but as short phrases out of context; he is more concerned with their artistic appropriateness than with the direction of textual transmission (e. g., «Is acertó a mirar... a more satisfying phrase... than assestó a mirar. . .? »). One pair listed is «salas y entradas» - «las salas y los estrados». (N. from the A.)
«De estilística cervantina; correcciones, interpolaciones y variantes en el 'Rinconete y Cortadillo' y en el 'Zeloso extremeño,'» Anales Cervantinos, 2 (1952), 237. References are to the Schevill and Bonilla edition of the Novelas exemplares, II (Madrid: Gráficas Reunidas, 1923). (N. from the A.)
According to Bosarte (Foulché-Delbosc text, p. 290), the Porras version of «El celoso extremeño» was written by the Licentiate's amanuensis, with interpolations in the hand of the latter and of Porras. Navarrete says that it was in a hand different from that of Porras, with interpolations by the latter. (N. from the A.)
Análisis verbal, p. 40. (N. from the A.)
Bosarte and Navarrete both report that the Porras text of «Rinconete y Cortadillo» was in the prebendary's hand. Aylward comments that the fact that the two Cervantine stories were copied in the Porras MS. in two different hands makes it «difficult to posit a single author for the two works» (p. 70). Is he not reading too much into what was almost certainly a convenient division of labour? (N. from the A.)
F. Rodríguez Marín, ed., Rinconete y Cortadillo (Madrid: Tipografía de la Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, 1920), p. 413. (N. from the A.)