This is not such an impossible task as it might seem; the best method is to do the Roman copy-shop in reverse, with one reader and a room full of graduate student checkers. Both in terms of manhours and money, it is on the same scale as other editorial projects funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. (N. from the A.)
A facsimile also needs to be carefully supervised; see Ernest W. Sullivan, «Bibliography and Facsimile Editions», PBSA, 72 (1978), 327-29 (and those who turn to this article would do well to also read the preceding one, by S. W. Reid, «Definitive Editions and Photocomposition», pp. 321- 26). A. David Kossoff has told me that he witnessed the «retouching» of what was actually punctuation during the production of one of A. Pérez Gómez's facsimiles. On the value of facsimiles, see the comments and references of Crosby, p. 21. (N. from the A.)
These quotations are from their «Introductory Statement», published in PMLA, 92 (1977), 583-97, which includes an extensive narrative bibliography on editing; see also the article of Shillingsburg cited in n. 19. For orientation about their standards for proofreading, see the Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures of the Center for Editions of American Authors, revised edition (New York: Modern Language Association, 1972). (Proofreading can be combined with collation, and two chores made one.) (N. from the A.)
See Flores' article cited in note 15. (N. from the A.)
In the study cited in note 20. (N. from the A.)
Numerous reproductions of Cervantes' signatures to non-autograph documents are reproduced by Luis Astrana Marín as illustrations to his Vida ejemplar y heroica de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Madrid: Reus, 1948-58). (N. from the A.)
Cervantes' Memorial to Felipe II, the famous document on which was written «busque por acá en qué se le haga merced» (reproduced by Astrana, IV, 454), is not in his handwriting, but it was obviously produced with great care and at Cervantes' direction, and in it, as if to avoid omitting anything, we find his name has been spelled «Miguel de çeruantes Sahavedra». (N. from the A.)
I have been influenced by the words of Whinnom, in «The Relationship» (cited in note 11), p. 25. (N. from the A.)
Obras (Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1954), II, 277. (N. from the A.)
«Cronología de la igualación C-Z en español», HR, 19 (1951), 37-58 and 143-64, at p. 37; De la pronunciación medieval a la moderna en español, passim, particularly I, 299-303. (N. from the A.)