Joaquín G. Casalduero, «Tristana, la dama japonesa entre Dante y Shakespeare», Actas del segundo Congreso Internacional de Estudios Galdosianos, 1 (Las Palmas, 1978), 38.
Roberto C. Sánchez, «Galdós' Tristana, Anatomy of a 'Disappointment'», Anales Galdosianos, XII (1977), 115.
The military metaphor used here is appropriate particularly when we remember those which have occurred earlier in the text as, for example, on pages 1541 and 1547.
See, for example, Noël Valis' parenthetical comment «how quickly Tristana ages for Galdós' purposes!» in «Art, Memory and the Human in Galdós' Tristana», Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 31, No. 2 (1984), 215.
Leon Livingstone, «The Law of Nature and Women's Liberation in Tristana», Anales Galdosianos, VII (1972), 98. Livingstone seems to consider that Lope is 56 years old at the time when Tristana reaches the age of 22.
Roberto G. Sánchez, art. cit., 115.
Kay Engler, «The Ghostly Lover: The Portrayal of the Animus in Tristana», Anales Galdosianos, XII (1977), 98. See also the comment on p. 105: «Tristana is surprised to learn, upon closer inspection, that the man she had supposed to be thirty is really only a boy».
Roberto G. Sánchez, art. cit., 124, makes some interesting and useful comments on the role of the narrator in this novel.
Leon Livingstone, art. cit., 98, aptly points out that Lope's ultimate occupation is a «caricaturesque sublimation of his former obsession».
Federico Sopeña Ibáñez, Arte y sociedad en Galdós (Madrid: Gredos, 1970), p. 160.