Anales galdosianos
Año XX, 1985, Núm. 1
Novel into Painting: Transition in Spanish Realism
Noël M. Valis
Out of the Garden and into the City: José María de Pereda's Pedro Sánchez
John Akers
The Genial Inquisitor of El audaz
Clark M. Zlotehew
Tormento.- Vivir un dramón, dramatizar una novela
Hazel Gold
Repetition, Discontinuity and Silence in Galdós' Tormento
Diane F. Urey
La de Bringas and the Politics of Domestic Power
Lou Charnon-Deutsch
«Los sauces llorando a moco y baba»: Ekphrasis in Galdós' La de Bringas
Emilie Bergmann
The Sonata Form Structure of Tristana
Vernon A. Chamberlin
Calderón, Cervantes, and Irony in Tristana
David Goldin
Age, Illusion and Irony in Tristana
Jennifer Lowe
Galdós' Use of Quijote Motifs in Ángel Guerra
Harold L. Dowdle
Russian Language and Literature at the Madrid Ateneo in the 1860s
M. P. Alexeyev
'Un cuadri enio galdosiano': an Omnibus Report of Books on Galdós Published Between the Years 1980 and 1983
Peter A. Bly
La de bringas cumple cien años
Galdós en 1897
Agnes M. Gullón
Galdós y los masones
Emily Letemendía
Galdós y el matrimonio
Lois Baer Barr
Galdós y la política
Brian J. Dendle
Lo prohibido
Alan E. Smith
One fine body…