Anales galdosianos
Año XVI, 1981
Nota preliminar
Character creation in Un voluntario realista
William M. Sherzer
Galdós and the Spanish Romantics: Los apostólicos
Emily Letemendia
The Craftsmanship and Literary Value of the Third Series of Episodios nacionales
Peter Bush
Galdós y el melodrama
Isaac Rubio
Jacinto Octavio Picon's Juan Vulgar: An Anticipation of the Generation of 1898
Noël M. Valis
Unas notas sobre Darío y Galdós
Ana María López
Galdós and the Movimiento pro-sefardita
Vernon A. Chamberlin
«Un trienio galdosiano»: A Critical Review of Books Published on Galdós, 1977-79
Peter A. Bly
Gloria reconstructed
James H. Hoddie
Galdós en Santander
Theodore A. Sackett
The first annotated, illustrated edition of Fortunata y Jacinta
One fine body…