Inflationary prediction for primordial non-gaussianity = La prediccion inflacionaria acerca de la...
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- Título: Inflationary prediction for primordial non-gaussianity = La prediccion inflacionaria acerca de la no-gaussianidad primordial
- Autor: Lyth, David H; Rodríguez García, Yeinzon
- Publicación original: Physical Review Letters; Vol. 95, No. 12, 2005
- Descripción física: PDF
Nota general:
We extend the Infinite N formalism so that it gives all of the stochastic properties of the primordial curvature perturbation if the initial ?eld perturbations are Gaussian. The calculation requires only the knowledge of some family of unperturbed universes.
A formula is given for the normalization fNL of the bispectrum of, which is the main signal of non-Gaussianity. Examples of the use of the formula are given, and its relation to cosmological perturbation theory is explained.
We extend the Infinite N formalism so that it gives all of the stochastic properties of the primordial curvature perturbation if the initial ?eld perturbations are Gaussian. The calculation requires only the knowledge of some family of unperturbed universes.
- Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Resumen: Cosmología; Física; Inflación; Teorema de Gauss
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/género: texto
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
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