Vapor-Liquid Equilibria measurements and modelling of LNG multi-component mixtures including...
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Vapor-Liquid Equilibria measurements and modelling of LNG multi-component mixtures including Methane, Ethane, Propane and Butane at cryogenic conditions = Mediciones del Equilibrio Liquido-Vapor y modelamiento de mezcla multicomponente de Gas Natural Licuado incluyendo Metano, Etano, Propano y Butano a condiciones criogénicasEnlace externo en Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República

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- Título: Vapor-Liquid Equilibria measurements and modelling of LNG multi-component mixtures including Methane, Ethane, Propane and Butane at cryogenic conditions = Mediciones del Equilibrio Liquido-Vapor y modelamiento de mezcla multicomponente de Gas Natural Licuado incluyendo Metano, Etano, Propano y Butano a condiciones criogénicas
- Autor: Porras Cifuentes, Rudith Andrea; May, Eric; Hughes, Thomas; Guo, Jerry
- Publicación original: 2012
- Descripción física: PDF
Nota general:
The construction of an LNG facility implies a considerable expenditure the capital, generally, the process simulators are used to estimate the operating parameters of the liquefaction plant and to size the equipment needed. Although, natural gas data has been widely studied under non-cryogenic conditions, the availability of thermodynamic data for multi-component mixtures at high pressure, and cryogenic temperatures is still poor (Laskowski L., 2008).
Therefore, accurate vapour-liquid equilibria (VLE), and calorific data for multi-component mixtures at LNG process conditions would enhance the simulations.Measurements of VLE data for binary mixture consisted of methane and butane and also a multi-component mixture; methane, ethane, propane and butane were performanced. Furthermore, a comparison of these data with the predictions given by Aspen HYSYS software, using the Peng-Robinson (PR), Soave Redlich Kwong (SRK) and the GERG equations of state (EOSs). Moreover, an improvement in the performance of cubic EOSs in HYSYS is studied by anchoring these data using a tuning code.
Finally, analyse the impact of those finding in the LNG scrub column.The experimental part of the project has completed using a cryogenic VLE apparatus, while the modelling part has done by using a tuning code that interacts between HYSYS and MS Excel; it optimizes an objective function by the modification of binary interaction parameters in the equation of state.
The construction of an LNG facility implies a considerable expenditure the capital, generally, the process simulators are used to estimate the operating parameters of the liquefaction plant and to size the equipment needed. Although, natural gas data has been widely studied under non-cryogenic conditions, the availability of thermodynamic data for multi-component mixtures at high pressure, and cryogenic temperatures is still poor (Laskowski L., 2008).
- Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Resumen: Butane; Butano; Criogénico; Cryogenic; Equilibrio Liquido Vapor; Etano; Ethane; Gas Natural Licuado; LNG; Metano; Methane; Propane; Propano; Vapor-Liquid Equilibria
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/género: tesis
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
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