Urban River Restoration in Colombia – viewed as whole in order to reduce hydraulic risk and...
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- Título: Urban River Restoration in Colombia – viewed as whole in order to reduce hydraulic risk and pollution = Restauración de rios urbanos en Colombia – visión de conjunto para disminuir el riesgo hidráulico y la contaminación
- Autor: Franco Idarraga, Freddy Leonardo
- Publicación original: 2011
- Descripción física: PDF
Nota general:
Colombia is a privileged country with the amount of water it has, but due to the inadequate conjunction between hydric wealth and land use, we have lived in continuous tragedy, spending huge resources on ongoing reconstructions and helping the floods and landslides victims. However, floods are natural events, in many cases exacerbated by men’s actions over the territory; events to which no country is exempted, but with consequences that vary according to the characteristics of the duo people-territory and its relationships with the water bodies.
This document, offers a review of the characteristics and criteria that define a river in good ecological status, and the anthropic pressures, with its impacts and effects over the water courses, deepening into the hydraulic risk, water quality and the disturbance of the natural environments. Continue presenting the “River Restoration” as a new form of river management, reasoning about the Colombian hydric problems, making emphasis on the pollution problems and disasters related to water; and suggesting solutions from the River Restoration perspective for some specific urban cases and linking this new fluvial hydraulic with the “National Police for Integral Management of the Hydric Resource”.
Colombia is a privileged country with the amount of water it has, but due to the inadequate conjunction between hydric wealth and land use, we have lived in continuous tragedy, spending huge resources on ongoing reconstructions and helping the floods and landslides victims. However, floods are natural events, in many cases exacerbated by men’s actions over the territory; events to which no country is exempted, but with consequences that vary according to the characteristics of the duo people-territory and its relationships with the water bodies.
- Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Colombia
- Resumen: Colombian urban rivers; Urban flood risk; Urban fluvial pollution; Urban river restoration
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/género: tesis
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
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