The imbalance between education and labour policy in youth unemployment = El desajuste entre...
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- Título: The imbalance between education and labour policy in youth unemployment = El desajuste entre education y política laboral en el desempleo juvenil
- Autor: Vanegas Rodríguez, Paola Andrea
- Publicación original: 2015
- Descripción física: PDF
Nota general:
75 million of young people around the world are unsuccessfully looking for a job (ILO, 2013). A possible explanation for the growing trend of youth unemployment is skills mismatch defined as the inequity between young people’s skills and capabilities and the demands of the labour market. Countries have implemented active labour market policies to revert that trend and most of them have focused their efforts on disadvantaged people. In Colombia, the government created the “Youth in Action” programme to improve the likelihood of employability for young people under poverty conditions.
In 2005, Attanasio, Kugler & Meghir used a randomized experiment in Colombia to explore the impacts of the “Youth in Action” programme showing that the programme had positive results for women in terms of earnings and employment. This paper combines these insights to analyse how important is the field of training that young people receive. Likewise, using a programme evaluation completed in 2013, this research will explore how the field of study may affect the likelihood of being in employment. The results for 2005 and 2013, suggest that in addition to gender, the field of study matters for the labour market and there is evidence of skills mismatch in Colombia.
75 million of young people around the world are unsuccessfully looking for a job (ILO, 2013). A possible explanation for the growing trend of youth unemployment is skills mismatch defined as the inequity between young people’s skills and capabilities and the demands of the labour market. Countries have implemented active labour market policies to revert that trend and most of them have focused their efforts on disadvantaged people. In Colombia, the government created the “Youth in Action” programme to improve the likelihood of employability for young people under poverty conditions.
- Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Colombia
- Resumen: Desempleo juvenil; Educación; Education; Labour market; Mercado laboral; Política pública; Public policy; Youth unemployment
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/género: tesis
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
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