South America: a distinctive model of employment relations or an extension of the mediterranean...
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- Título: South America: a distinctive model of employment relations or an extension of the mediterranean model = Sur América: un modelo de empleo único o una extensión del modelo mediterráneo
- Autor: Gattás Bultaif, Lina
- Publicación original: 2012
- Descripción física: PDF
Nota general:
This paper explores if there is an independent South American employment relations’ model or it can be classified as an extension of the Mediterranean one, framed in last decades. It analyses the main features of the South American Model of employment relations and its resemblance with the Mediterranean one. It focuses on the analysis of the role of the state as a promoter of legislation, the unions’ identity and their bargaining structure, and the employers’ organisations’ role and corporate governance structure in South America.
Additionally, it compares these patterns with the main features of the Mediterranean Model of employment, to conclude that both models have a close correlation regarding the employment relations systems, despite the cross national differences of size, economic performance and social-politic context. Through the classification of the South American model of employment as an extension of the Mediterranean one, this paper provides a theoretical and practical insight in the research of the employment relations.
This paper explores if there is an independent South American employment relations’ model or it can be classified as an extension of the Mediterranean one, framed in last decades. It analyses the main features of the South American Model of employment relations and its resemblance with the Mediterranean one. It focuses on the analysis of the role of the state as a promoter of legislation, the unions’ identity and their bargaining structure, and the employers’ organisations’ role and corporate governance structure in South America.
- Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- América del Sur
- Resumen: Modelos de empleo; Negociación colectiva; Organizaciones patronales; Relaciones laborales; Rol del Estado; Sindicatos
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/género: tesis
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
Encabezamiento de materia: