Christopher Columbus his own book of privileges 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript...
Registro bibliográfico
- Título uniforme: Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502
- Título: Christopher Columbus his own book of privileges 1502 : photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the archives of the Foreign Office in Paris, now for the first time published, with expanded text, translation into English and an historical introduction / the tranliteration and translation by George F. Barwick; the introduction by Henry Harrisse; the wole compiled and edited with preface by Benjamin Franklin Stevens (Formato PDF)
- Autor: Colón, Cristóbal, aproximadamente 1451-1506
- Publicación: Alicante : Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2011
- Publicación original: London : B.F. Stevens,1893
- Notas de reproducción original: Reproducción digital de la ed. de London : B.F. Stevens,1893
- Idioma: inglés
Encabezamiento de materia:
Nombre relacionado:
- 910.4(7/8)"14"(093)
- 929Colón,Cristóbal
- URI: