Spatial network analysis for urban cycling networks = Análisis espacial de redes para redes...
Contenido de la obra
Contenido de la obra
Registro bibliográfico
- Título: Spatial network analysis for urban cycling networks = Análisis espacial de redes para redes urbanas de ciclorutas
- Autor: Criollo Preciado, César Ricardo
- Publicación original: 2013
- Descripción física: PDF
Nota general:
There is a great need of expanding horizons for modelling and prediction on cycling planning. This Research evaluates prediction of cyclists’ movement through an urban street environment, by using the theory of “Natural Movement” (Space Syntax), due to the positive explanation of pedestrian movement on similar environments. By relating spatial patterns to movement, Munich Urban area was chosen and a Geographic Information System model of the Real Street and cycling network was defined and refined.
A series of locations were selected to test their correlation to real cycling traffic counts and with a GIS based transport model. Building this model from Open Source Data and Empirical Traffic Counts leaded to a series of recommendations regarding higher quality for experimental data and how cycling infrastructure should be modelled, considering a different approach on how to model network elements and embracing further factors that influence the route choice for cyclists.
There is a great need of expanding horizons for modelling and prediction on cycling planning. This Research evaluates prediction of cyclists’ movement through an urban street environment, by using the theory of “Natural Movement” (Space Syntax), due to the positive explanation of pedestrian movement on similar environments. By relating spatial patterns to movement, Munich Urban area was chosen and a Geographic Information System model of the Real Street and cycling network was defined and refined.
- Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Resumen: Cycling networks; Forecasting; Redes de ciclorutas; Modelamiento; Modelling; Planeacion de transporte; Space syntax; Transport planning
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/género: tesis
- Idioma: inglés
- Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
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