Analysis of the adoption level and behavior of electronic invoicing in European countries =...

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  • Título: Analysis of the adoption level and behavior of electronic invoicing in European countries = Análisis del nivel de adopción y comportamiento de la facturación electrónica en Europa
  • Autor: Henao Restrepo, Santiago
  • Publicación original: 2011
  • Descripción física: PDF
  • Nota general:
    • The e-Invoicing has become a subject of great importance and source of several benefits for the European industry, however there isn`t an realistic and clear view about the status of the e-Invoicing adoption in each country, by the contrary exists different figures and reports with unrealistic statistics and rates that creates uncertainty by the stakeholders inside the country. On this basis, this thesis pretends to go deeply in this subject, researching and analyzing the e-Invoicing European landscape, characterized with different regulations and conditions by each country, but without indicators and realistic figures to identify crucial factors and best practices that facilitate the interoperability and increase the adoption.
      The main objective of this research is to obtain a reliable and updated view of the e-Invoicing adoption in Europe, confronting the data with local stakeholders and establishing a methodology and criteria that permits compare and classify the different European countries and its behaviors and patterns. Is also a concern of this thesis, to identify the conditions, best practices, barriers and enablers that characterize the e-Invoicing in Europe with the aim of increase the interoperability and enable the interchange cross border of e-Invoices, especially in Italy. Contributing with the studies and research of The Observatory in Electronic Invoicing, in which the idea of this research was born and its support allowed the completion of this work. The methodology followed for perform this research is divided basically in two phases, the data collection and the empirical analysis that allows at the end identify summary notes, facts, measures that create awareness about the actual situation in Europe of the e-invoicing and suggestion to increase the adoption and diffusion of the e-Invoicing.
      Finally as part of the purpose of this thesis is to show and highlight the best practices, conditions and problems that have presented the electronic invoicing in Europe during the last years, in the summary notes are shown, analyzed and explained the most relevant results of this research that will be useful for further project of the observatory and also for the different experts and stakeholders of electronic invoicing in other countries that helped with this works and are interested in the results to take measures and propose new projects in their own countries. In this section also are described the different clusters and shown the countries that belongs to each one, highlighting the common facts, problems and conditions of the electronic invoicing in Europe. Also are identified and summarized the enablers and barriers of the electronic invoicing in Europe suggesting measures to incentive them and to overcome them respectively.
  • Notas de reproducción original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Notas:
    • Europa
    • Resumen: Almacenamiento electrónico; B2B; Ciclo de orden a pago; Cycle order payment; EDI; Electronic archiving; Electronic invoicing; Eprocurement; Facturación electrónica; Marco regulatorio; Proceso de compras electrónico; Regulatory framework
    • © Derechos reservados del autor
    • Colfuturo
  • Forma/género: tesis
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Institución origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
  • Encabezamiento de materia:

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