Trans. Smollett, supra, p. 533. (N. from the A.)
Trans. Cohen, supra, pp. 593-94. (N. from the A.)
Penn State University Press, forthcoming, 1993/94. (N. from the A.)
We do not just have Cervantes's word for this. His sister Andrea, in the course of the investigation of the Ezpeleta case in Valladolid, describes her brother as «hombre que escribe e trata negocios e que por su buena habilidad tiene amigos». Quoted in Astrana Marín, Vida ejemplar y heroica de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 7 vols. (Madrid, 1948-58), v. 189. The reference to Avellaneda concerns his sour remarks in the prologue to his continuation of Don Quijote about Cervantes's age, lack of friends, spite and envy. See the edition by Martín de Riquer, 3 vols. in 2 (Madrid, 1972), i, 7-14. (N. from the A.)
Those who have written on Cervantes's self-portraits include: Jean Canavaggio, «La dimensión autobiográfica del Viaje del Parnaso», Cervantes, 1 (1981), 29-41, and «Cervantes en primera persona», Journal of Hispanic Philology 2 (1977), 35-44; Américo Castro, «Los prólogos al Quijote», and «La ejemplaridad de las novelas cervantinas», in Hacia Cervantes, second edition (Madrid, 1960), 231-66 and 353-74; Francisco Márquez Villanueva, «El retorno del Parnaso», Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 38 (1990), 693-732; Mary Gaylord Randel, «Cervantes' Portrait of the Artist», Cervantes, 3 (1983), 83-102, and «Cervantes' Portraits and Literary Theory», Cervantes 6 (1986), 57-80; Elias Rivers, «Cervantes' Journey to Parnassus», Modern Language Notes 85 (1970), 243-48, and «On the Prefatory Pages of Don Quixote Part II», Modern Language Notes 75 (1960), 214-21, and «Viaje del Parnaso y poesías sueltas; Suma Cervantina, ed. J. B. Avalle-Arce and E. C. Riley (London, 1973), 119-46, and «¿Cómo leer el Viaje del Parnaso?», communication to the III Coloquio Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas, Alcalá de Henares, November 1990 (to be published in the Actas); Mario Socrate, Prologhi al «Don Chisciotte» (Padua, 1974); Geoffrey Stagg, «Propaganda and Poetics on Parnassus: Cervantes's Viaje del Parnaso», Cervantes, 8 (1988), 23-38. (N. from the A.)
See Don Quijote Part II, Chapter 16 in the edition by L. A. Murillo, 2 vols. (Madrid, 1978), ii, 156. (N. from the A.)
Besides the first satire of Book II, see Horace, Satires I, iv and I, x, which respectively deal with the contrast between Horace and Lucilius and the need to temper criticism with urbanitas. See also Niall Rudd, The Satires of Horace (Cambridge, 1966), 151, 196, 201, and Eduard Fraenkel, Horace (Oxford, 1957), Chapter iii passim. (N. from the A.)
The reasons for this distinction, and for other generalisations about Cervantine satire in this paragraph, are formulated in my article «Algunas reflexiones sobre la sátira en Cervantes», Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 38 (1990), 493-511 (500-01). (N. from the A.)
The «Adjunta» -specifically, Apollo's letter to Cervantes- is dated July 22, 1614. The Viaje del Parnaso is mentioned in terms which clearly imply that it is already completed in the prologue to the Novelas ejemplares, presumably written some time in the summer of 1612 (date of three of the four aprobaciones). (N. from the A.)
See the edition of Viaje del Parnaso by R. Schevill and A. Bonilla (Madrid, 1922), 10. (N. from the A.)