Quotations in this paragraph are my own translations from the Gespräch über die Poesie.
Martín de Riquer, «Cervantes y la caballeresca», in Suma Cervantina, ed. J. B. Avalle-Arce and E. C. Riley (London: Tamesis Books, 1973), 273-92.
See, for example, Jane P. Tompkins, ed., Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980), passim.
See Inés Azar, «Meaning, Intention and the Written Text: Anthony Close's Approach to Don Quixote and its Critics», MLN, 96 (1981), 440-44, and Mary Louise Pratt, «The Ideology of Speech-Act Theory», Centrum, new series, I (1981), 5-18.
«Lazarillo de Tormes. Autor-Narrador-Personaje», in Romanica Europaen et Americana: Festschrift für Harri Meier (Bonn: Bouvier, 1980), ed. Hans Dieter Bork et al., pp. 185-92.
See Elias L. Rivers, «On the Prefatory Pages of Don Quixote, Part II», MLN, 75 (1960), 214-21.
According to John J. Allen, Don Quixote: Hero or Fool?, Part Two (Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1979), p. 24, «there is an almost imperceptible shift in mid-sentence to Cervantes addressing the reader.» See also Ruth El Saffar's review article JHP, 4 (1980), 237-54, and Allen's response, pp. 255-56.