See Ruth El Saffar's, Novel to Romance, and Alban K. Forcione's, Cervantes, Aristotle and the Persiles (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970) and his Cervantes' Christian Romance: A Study of Persiles y Sigismunda (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972). (N. from the A.)
See Robert Cushman, «A Matter of Tyranny», The Observer, Sunday, October 23, 1983, p. 30 and Fenton, p. 39. (N. from the A.)
Modern Language Review, 56 (1961): 563-66. (N. from the A.)
Fenton, p. 39. (N. from the A.)
In his letter of March 23, 1985, Mr. Wright states: «It seemed clear to me that B & F had set up a trilogy of three different men's ideas of women, one a love-goddess, one a mother and one a virgin. I built this idea up a lot through reading Frances Yates on the subject -her notes on Botticelli, etc». (N. from the A.)
Fenton, p. 39. (N. from the A.)
See Alban K. Forcione, Cervantes, Aristotle and the Persiles (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970). (N. from the A.)
See the «Play Notes», following p. 27 of the RSC play text. (N. from the A.)
Cushman, p. 34. (N. from the A.)
«The nonsense about the thirteen conquistadors was told by a white colonialist to a friend of mine. It struck me as comical and appropriate that white racists were always the quickest to appropriate the more irrational forms of African belief -and this is a typical distortion of African history, couched, as it so often is, in the imagery of boys' adventure magazines», Nicholas Wright, in his letter, dated March 23, 1985. (N. from the A.)