Compiled by Daniel Eisenberg, with the assistance of John Jay Allen, Patricia S. Finch, and Howard Mancing.
1. «An Analysis of the Language and Style of Cervantes' 'Las dos doncellas' and 'El casamiento engañoso'». Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1960. 319 pp. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts 21 (1961): 618-19.
2. «The English of Hemingway's Spaniards». South Atlantic Bulletin 26 (1961): 6-7. Reprinted in Studies in For Whom the Bell Tolls. Ed. Sheldon Grebstein. New York: Charles Merrill, 1971. 91-93.
3. «The Evolution of puesto que in Cervantes' Prose». Hispania 45 (1962): 90-93.
4. «The Division into Acts of Cervantes' Los baños de Argel». Symposium 17 (1963): 42-49.
5. Review of España en su literatura, by Nicholson B. Adams, John E. Keller, and Elizabeth R. Daniel. Modern Language Journal 47 (1963): 281-82.
6. «Don Quijote (A Synthesis)» [abstract]. South Atlantic Bulletin 29 (1964): 5-6.
7. «Suspension of Formal Unities as a Poetic Device in a Poem by A. Machado». Romance Notes 7 (1965): 1-5.
8. «Cide Hamete's English Translators». Hispanic Review 35 (1967): 366-67.
9. «El Cristo de la Vega and 'La fuerza de la sangre'». MLN 83 (1968): 271-75.
10. Don Quixote: Hero or Fool? A Study in Narrative Technique. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1969. 90 pp.
According to University Presses of Florida, this book was reprinted in 1971 and 1980. 2,240 copies were sold. The 1980 reprint was bound together with Part II and sold as a new publication, with anew ISBN number. The combined set is available from UMI Books on Demand (http://wwwlib.umi.com/bod, 15 March 2003).
Reviewed by: unsigned, Choice 6 (1970): 1579; Ruth El Saffar, «Apropos of Don Quixote: Hero or Fool?» MLN 85 (1970): 269-73, (review article); Jennifer Lowe, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 47 (1970): 156-57; Louis C. Pérez, Symposium 24 (1970) 174-76; Fernando G. Salinero, Hispania 53 (1970): 335-36; Alberto Sánchez, —53→ Anales Cervantinos 10 (1970): 221-22; E. C. Riley, Hispanic Review 38 (1971): 450-53; Victor Oelschläger, South Atlantic Bulletin 37 (1972): 75-76; Daniel Eisenberg, «Cervantes' Don Quijote Once Again. An Answer to J. J. Allen», in Estudios literarios de hispanistas norteamericanos dedicados a Helmut Hatzfeld con motivo de su 80 aniversario, ed. Josep M. Solà-Solé, Alessandro Crisafulli, and Bruno Damiani (Barcelona: Hispam, 1974), 103-10; Geoffrey Stagg (review of both volumes), Canadian Modern Language Review 37 (1980-81): 761-62.
11. «Melisendra's Mishap in Maese Pedro's Puppet Show». MLN 88 (1973): 330-35.
12. «Lope de Vega y la imaginería petrarquista de belleza femenina». Estudios literarios de hispanistas norteamericanos dedicados a Helmut Hatzfeld con motivo de su 80 aniversario. Ed. Josep M. Solà-Solé, Alessandro Crisafulli, and Bruno Damiani. Barcelona: Hispam, 1974. 5-23.
13. «The Governorship of Sancho and Don Quijote's Chivalric Career». Revista Hispánica Moderna 38 (1974-75): 141-52.
14. Cervantes Don Quixote. New York: Monarch, 1975. 97 pp.
Excerpts are reproduced in this issue, pp. 40-51.
15. Review of Helena Percas de Ponseti, Cervantes y su concepto del arte. Journal of Hispanic Philology 1 (1976): 73-76.
16. «The Narrators, the Reader, and Don Quijote». MLN 91 (1976): 201-12.
17. Edition, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Madrid: Cátedra, 1977. 588 + 582 pp.
Also issued with the imprint «New York: L[as] A[méricas] Pub. Co». Some small errors were corrected in the second edition, 1980. The following are identical with the second edition: 3rd ed., 1981; 4th ed., 1982; 5th ed., 1983; 6th ed., 1984; 7th ed., 1985.
Reviewed by: Stephen H. Ackerman, Hispania 62 (1979): 727-28; Luis A. Murillo, Journal of Hispanic Philology 3 (1979): 185-87 E. C. Riley, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 57 (1980): 346-49. (There are definitely other reviews, which we have been unable to locate. Cátedra has misplaced its folder of reviews of this edition.)
18. Letter to the Editor, PMLA 92 (1977): 125.
Reproduced in this issue, pp. 38-39. The letter is in response to Michael Mc- Canles, «The Literal and the Metaphorical: Dialectic or Interchange», PMLA 91 (1976): 279-90. McCanles responds to Allen and other letterwriters in PMLA 92 (1977): 125-26.
19. «Autobiografía y ficción: el relato del capitán cautivo». Anales Cervantinos 15 (1978): 149-55 and 16 (1979): 253-54.
—54→20. «'El celoso extremeño' and 'El curioso impertinente'». Studies in the Spanish Golden Age. Ed. Dana B. Drake and José Madrigal. Miami: Universal, 1978. 6-11.
21. Review of Close, The Romantic Approach to Don Quixote. A Critical History of the Romantic Tradition in Quixote Criticism. Journal of Hispanic Philology 3 (1978): 92-94.
22. «Una etapa en la poesía de Leopoldo de Luis». Estafeta Literaria 631 (1978): 4-6.
23. «Antipetrarquismo en el Romancero general». Hispano-Italic Studies 2 (1979): 17-22.
24. Don Quixote: Hero or Fool? Part II. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1979. vii + 118 pp. Available online (for a fee) from http://www.netlibrary.com.
Review article by Ruth El Saffar, «Concerning Change, Continuity, and Other Critical Matters: A Reading of John J. Allen's Don Quixote: Hero or Fool? Part II (Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1979)», Journal of Hispanic Philology 4 (1980): 237-58; see no. 30, below, for Allen's response. Other reviews: Alberto Sánchez, Anales Cervantinos 18 (1980), 232-35: Geoffrey Stagg (review of both volumes), Canadian Modern Language Review 37 (1980-81): 761-62; Susana Hernández- Araico, Rocky Mountain Review 35 (1981), 305; Edwin Williamson, Modern Language Review 76 (1981): 220; John Weiger, MLN 96 (1981): 449-51; Javier S. Herrero, Kentucky Romance Quarterly 31 (1984): 348-49.
25. «The Governess and the Ghosts in The Turn of the Screw». The Henry James Review 1 (1979): 73-80.
26. «Traduttori traditori: Don Quixote in English». Crítica Hispánica 1 (1979): 1-13.
27. «Don Quixote and the Origins of the Novel». Cervantes and the Renaissance. Ed. Michael McGaha. Easton, PA: Juan de la Cuesta, 1980. 25-40.
28. Don Quixote: Hero or Fool? [Both parts bound together, without repagination.] Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1980.
29. «The Providential World of Cervantes' Fiction». Thought 55 (1980): 184-95.
30. «Response to Ruth El Saffar» [to her review article, above]. Journal of Hispanic Philology 4 (1980): 257-58.
31. «Toward a Conjectural Model of the Corral del Príncipe». Medieval, Renaissance, and Folklore Studies in Honor of John Esten Keller. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1980. 255-71.
—55→32. «From the Editor» [Introduction to the first issue and priorities for the journal]. Cervantes 1.1-2 (1981): 5-6. 5 February 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/articf81/fromed. htm
33. «La providencia divina en el Quijote». Cervantes. Su obra y su mundo. Actas del I Congreso Internacional sobre Cervantes, ed. Manuel Criado de Val. Madrid: Edi-6, 1981. 525-29.
34. «From the Editor» [Policy of anonymous submission of manuscripts]. Cervantes 2.2 (1982): 107. 5 February 2003. http://www2. h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/articf82/fromed.htm
35. «A More Modest Proposal for an Obras completas Edition». Cervantes 2.2 (1982): 181-84. 5 February 2003. http://www2. h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/articf82/allen.htm
36. The Reconstruction of a Spanish Golden Age Playhouse. El Corral del Príncipe (1583-1744). Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1983. xii + 129 pp.
As of March 2003, 941 copies of this book had been sold. We have been unable to confirm that an electronic edition is available.
Reviews: unsigned, Choice 21 (1984): 1476 and listed among «Best Academic Books of 1984»; Vern Williamsen, Hispania 67 (1984): 669-70; Frank P. Casa, Western Humanities Review 4 (1984): 382-83; Willard F. King, Bulletin of the Comediantes 36 (1984): 205-06; Gareth Alban Davies, Journal of European Studies 15 (1984): 153-54; Mario F. Trubiano, Sixteenth Century Journal 16 (1985): 398-99; John Orrell, Journal of Hispanic Philology 9 (1984): 92-94; John Dowling, Theatre Survey 26 (1985): 191-93; M.-Ana Börger-Reese, Hispanic Review 53 (1985): 493- 94; Dian Fox, MLN 101 (1986): 434-37; Charles Davis, Theatre Notebook 40 (1986): 44-45; John Varey, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 63 (1986): 163-65; J. M. Ruano de la Haza, Modern Language Review 81 (1986): 509-10; Cesáreo Bandera, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 20 (1986): 134-35.
37. Review of Alexander Welsh, Reflections on the Hero as Quixote. MLN 98 (1983): 299-301.
38. «El Corral del Príncipe en la época de Calderón». V Jornadas de Teatro Clásico Español. Ed. Juan A. Hormigón. 2 vols. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 1983. 1: 171-95.
Allen also participated in «coloquios» which are found on 1: 197-244, 1: 313-65, and 2: 245-77.
39. «Hacia una revalorización del corral de comedias de Almagro». Journal of Hispanic Philology 7 (1983): 201-11.
40. «Coping with Don Quixote». Approaches to Teaching Cervantes' —56→ Don Quixote. Ed. Richard Bjornson. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1984. 45-49.
An excerpt is reproduced in this issue, pp. 24-27.
41. Review of Alban K. Forcione, Cervantes and the Humanist Vision: A Study of Four Exemplary Novels. Hispanic Review 52 (1984): 237-39.
42. Review of Ruth El Saffar, Beyond Fiction: The Recovery of the Feminine in the Novels of Cervantes. Journal of Hispanic Philology 9 (1984): 86-89.
43. Review of R. M. Flores, Sancho Panza through Three Hundred Seventy-Five Years of Continuations, Imitations, and Criticism. Comparative Literature 37 (1985): 371-72.
44. «Los aposentos laterales del Corral de Comedias del Príncipe». Anales del Instituto de Estudios Madrileños 23 (1986): 39-44 + 6 láminas.
45. «Chamizal '86». Bulletin of the Comediantes 38 (1986): 249-54 («Forum»).
46. «Los corrales de comedias y los teatros coetáneos ingleses». Edad de Oro 5 (1986): 5-19.
47. «From the Editor» [Publication of papers from a panel on Cervantes at MLA; Howard Mancing joins staff]. Cervantes 6.1 (1986): 4. 5 February 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/ ~cervantes/csa/artics86/fromed.htm
48. Edition, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Don Quijote de la Mancha. 8th ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986. 600 + 582 pp.
«I completely revised the introduction. I cut out the argument for Cervantes' early military service in the Netherlands, referring the reader to my Anales Cervantinos articles, and then expanded the treatment of Cervantes' originality, largely drawn from my Cervantes and the Renaissance essay. I also added some bibliography and revised some notes». (Email, 5 March 2003.)
A new revision is planned for 2005.
The following are identical with the 8th edition. 9th, 1987; 10th, 1988; 11th, 1989; 12th, 1989; 13th, 1990; 14th, 1991; 15th, 1992; 16th, 1994; 17th, 1995; 18th, 1996; 19th, 1998; 20th, 2000; 21th, 2001; 22th, 2003. This edition also issued by RBA Coleccionables with publication date 1999, but also «Printed in Spain febrero 2000».
49. Review of Miguel de Cervantes, The Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Tobias Smollett, with an introduction by Carlos Fuentes. Journal of Hispanic Philology 11 (1986): —57→ 84-86.
50. «The World View of Lazarillo de Tormes». Studies in Honor of William C. McCrary. Ed. Robert Fiore et al. Lincoln, NE: Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies, 1986. 35-43.
51. «Style and Genre in Don Quijote: The Pastoral». Cervantes 6.1 (1986): 51-56. 10 January 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/artics86/allen.htm
52. «From the Editor» [Farewell as editor; Kentucky story]. Cervantes 7.2 (1987): 3-7. 5 February 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu. edu/~cervantes/csa/articf87/fromed.htm
53. A Celebration of Cervantes on the Fourth Centenary of La Galatea, 1585-1985. Selected Papers. Edited by John J. Allen, Elias Rivers, and Harry Sieber. Cervantes Special issue, Winter 1988. 3 February 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/bcsaw88. htm
54. «El Corral de la Cruz: Hacia una reconstrucción del primer corral de comedias de Madrid». El mundo del teatro español en su Siglo de Oro. Ensayos presentados a John E. Varey. Ed. J. M. Ruano de la Haza. Ottawa: Dovehouse, 1988. 1-11.
55. Review of Peter Russell, Cervantes. Modern Language Review 83 (1988): 217.
56. «La escenificación en los corrales de comedias». Studies in Honor of Bruce W. Wardropper. Ed. Dian Fox et al. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1989. 1-19.
57. «Estado presente de los estudios de la escenificación en los corrales de comedias». Escenografía del teatro barroco. Ed. Aurora Egido. Acta Salmanticensia. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca y Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, 1989. 13-23.
58. Review of John Bowle and Thomas Percy, Cervantine Correspondence, ed. Daniel Eisenberg. Hispanic Review 57 (1989): 234.
59. «Some Aspects of the Staging of Cervantes' Plays». Crítica Hispánica 11 (1989): 7-16.
60. «El desarrollo de Dulcinea y la evolución de don Quijote». Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 38 (1990): 849-56.
61. Review of J. E. Varey, Los arriendos de los corrales de comedias de —58→ Madrid: 1587-1719. Journal of Hispanic Philology 14 (1990): 111- 12.
62. «The Spanish corrales de comedias and the London Playhouses». New Issues in the Reconstruction of Shakespeare's Theatre. Ed. Franklin J. Hildy. New York: Peter Lang, 1990. 207-35.
63. «El corral de Almagro». Cuadernos de Teatro Clásico 6 (1991): 197-211. An excerpted version was reprinted in Aurora Egido's Historia y crítica de la literatura española, 3/1. Siglos de Oro: Barroco. Primer Suplemento (Barcelona: Crítica, 1992): 152-54.
64. «El duradero encanto del Quijote». Ínsula 538 (1991): 3-4.
65. «The Disposition of the Stage in the English and Spanish Theatres». Parallel Lives. Spanish and English Drama, 1580-1680. Eds. Louise and Peter Fothergill-Payne. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1991. 54-72.
66. «Gaspar de Porres, autor de comedias». Comedias y comediantes: Estudios sobre el teatro clásico español. Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Teatro y Practicas Escénicas en los siglos XVI y XVII. Eds. Manuel V. Diago and Teresa Ferrer. Valencia: Departament de Filología Española, Universitat de València, 1991. 337-48.
67. Review of José María Díez Borque, El teatro en el siglo XVII. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 68 (1991): 532.
68. Review of Pedro Calderón de la Barca, El purgatorio de San Patricio, ed. José María Ruano de la Haza. Romance Quarterly 38 (1991): 115-16.
69. Review of E. C. Riley, Introducción al Quijote. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 69 (1992): 286-87.
70. «El teatro, el público y el poder en Londres y Madrid». Text for distribution in the four state theaters in Madrid (winter, 1992), to accompany the program for «Cheek by Jowl» performing Shakespeare that season in Madrid. Madrid: Festival Internacional de Teatro, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 1992.
71. «El papel del vulgo en la economía de los corrales de comedias madrileños». Edad de Oro 12 (1993): 9-17.
72. Review of María Teresa Pascual Bonis, Teatros y vida teatral en Tudela: 1563-1750. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 70 (1993): 272.
—59→73. Review of Miguel Ángel Coso Marín, Mercedes Higuera Sánchez-Pardo, and Juan Sanz Ballesteros, El teatro Cervantes de Alcalá de Henares. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 70 (1993): 272-73.
74. «Staging». The Prince in the Tower. Perceptions of La vida es sueño. Ed. Frederick A. De Armas. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 1993. 54-72.
75. «In Memoriam Ruth Anthony El Saffar (1941-1994)». Cervantes 14.2 (1994): 5-8 (with Diana de Armas Wilson). 5 February 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/articf94/armas.pdf
76. Los teatros comerciales del siglo XVII y la escenificación de la comedia. Co-author with José María Ruano de la Haza. Madrid: Castalia, 1994. 624 pp.
Reviewed in ABC Literario, April, 1995; Henry W. Sullivan, Hispanic Review 64 (1996): 396-98; Alan Soons, Bulletin of the Comediantes 48 (1996): 771-75; Delia Gavela García and Antonio Gago Rodó, Edad de Oro 16 (1997): 330-32; John Dowling, Theatre Survey 191-93; Henry W. Sullivan, Hispanic Review 64 (1996): 396-98; J. E. Varey, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 63 (1986): 163-65; Charles Davis, Theatre Notebook 40 (1996): 44-45.
77. «The Reemergence of the Playhouse in the Renaissance: Spain, 1550-1750». Theatre Symposium 4 (1996): 27-38.
78. «La división de la comedia en cuadros». En torno al teatro del Siglo de Oro. Actas de las Jornadas XII-XIII (Almería). Ed. José Berbel et al. [Almería]: Instituto de Estudios Almerienses, 1996. 85-94.
79. Pedro Calderón de la Barca. El gran teatro del mundo. Edición, prólogo y notas de John J. Allen and Domingo Ynduráin; con un estudio preliminar de Domingo Ynduráin. Barcelona: Crítica, 1997. lxv + 85 pp.
80. «Los primeros corrales de comedias: dudas, enigmas, desacuerdos. Edad de Oro 16 (1997): 13-27.
81. «Documenting the History of Spanish Theatre: Fuentes para la historia del teatro en España». Modern Language Review 93 (1998): 997-1006.
82. Introduction and notes for Chapters 25, 26, 29, 30, and 31 of Part I of Don Quijote de la Mancha, Francisco Rico, General Editor. Barcelona: Instituto Cervantes-Crítica, 1998.
83. Miguel de Cervantes, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. —60→ Ed. Salvador Fajardo and James A. Parr. Asheville, NC: Pegasus, 1998. xxii + 984 pp.
The text used is that of Allen (p. xiii).
84. Review of Paul Julian Smith, Writing in the Margin: Spanish Literature of the Golden Age. Renaissance Quarterly 43 (1990): 635-38.
85. «The Transformation of Satire in Don Quixote: 'Dine with Us as an Equal' in Juvenal and Cervantes». «Ingeniosa invención»: Studies in Honor of Professor Geoffrey Stagg. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1998. 1-7.
86. «Don Quijote en el pensamiento de Occidente». En un lugar de la Mancha: Estudios cervantinos en honor de Manuel Durán. Ed. Georgina Dopico Black and Roberto González Echevarría. Salamanca: Almar, 1999. 23-35. With Patricia S. Finch. Translated and reprinted with variations as «Don Quijote Across the Centuries». Don Quijote, trans. Burton Raffel, ed. Diana de Armas Wilson. New York: Norton, 1999. 767-84.
87. «A Don Quijote for the New Millennium». Cervantes 19.2 (1999): 204-14. (A review essay on Don Quijote de la Mancha, ed. Francisco Rico et al.) 10 January 2003. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/csa/articf99/allen.htm
88. «Generational Conflicts within Hispanism: Notes from the Comedia Wars». Cervantes and His Postmodern Constituencies. Ed. Anne J. Cruz and Carroll B. Johnson. New York: Garland, 1999. 68-78.
An excerpt is reproduced in this issue, pp. 27-33, under the title «The Task for Quijote Critics».
89. Review of Margaret Rich Greer and John E. Varey, El teatro palaciego en Madrid: 1586-1707. Estudio y documentos. Modern Language Review 94 (1999): 1133-34.
90. «La casa de los celos and the 1605 Quijote». Cervantes for the 21st Century. Cervantes para el siglo 21. Studies in Honor of Edward Dudley. Ed. Francisco La Rubia Prado. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2000. 1-9.
91. «Prólogo». 20 documentos sobre Cerbantes [sic] en el Archivo Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid. Ed. Carlos Baztán Lacasa and Beatriz Mariño López. Madrid: Consejería de las Artes de la Comunidad —61→ de Madrid, 2001. 11-13.
Reproduced in this issue, pp. 34-37. The title is copied from the title page. In the Spanish ISBN index (http://www.mcu.es/bases/spa/isbn/ISBN.html, 15 de marzo de 2003), the title is given as 20 documentos de [sic] Miguel de Cervantes y [sic] Saavedra en Archivo [sic] Histórico de Protocolos de Madrid.
92. «La reaparición del edificio teatral en España e Inglaterra a fines del siglo XVI y el desarrollo del modelo español hacia el coliseo del siglo XVIII». El hispanismo anglonorteamericano. Aportaciones, problemas y perspectivas sobre historia, arte y literatura españolas (siglos XVI-XVIII). Actas de la Conferencia Internacional «Hacia un Nuevo Humanismo», Córdoba, 9-14 de septiembre de 1997. Ed. José Manuel de Bernardo Ares. 2 vols. Córdoba: Cajasur, 2001. 2: 1291-1314.
93. Review of Ángel María García Gómez, ed., Actividad teatral en Córdoba y arrendamientos de la casa de las comedias, 1602-1737. Estudio y documentos. Modern Language Review 96 (2001): 857-58.
94. «Staging Calderón with the TESO Database». Bulletin of the Comediantes 53 (2001): 15-40.
95. «Corrales de comedias». Diccionario de la comedia del Siglo de Oro. Ed. Frank P. Casa, Luciano García Lorenzo, and Germán Vega García-Luengos. Madrid: Castalia, 2002. 89-91.
96. «Selections from Jay's Writings on Cervantes». Cervantes 23.1 (2003): 24-51.
Includes items 18 and 91 of this list in their entirety, and excerpts from items 14, 40, and 88. This item will be available on the Cervantes Web site (http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~cervantes/bcsalist.htm).
97. «Los espacios teatrales». Historia del teatro español. Ed. Javier Huerta Calvo. Madrid: Gredos, en prensa.
98. Don Quijote en el arte y pensamiento de Occidente. Co-authored with Patricia S. Finch. Madrid: Cátedra, in progress.