Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.


Elizabeth Burns in Theatricality. A Study of Convention in the Theatre and in Social Life (New York: Harper and Row, 1972), pp. 8-21, traces the historical progression of the theatrical metaphor, which became increasingly secularized in its application by the Eighteenth Century, something Cervantes achieved much earlier in his treatment of the picaresque. (N. from the A.)



See Stephen Greenblatt's perceptive study of English Renaissance writers, Renaissance Self-Fashioning. From More to Shakespeare (Chicago and London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980). (N. from the A.)



Helena Percas de Ponseti wrote a subsequent note entitled «A Revision: Cervantes's Writing [Cervantes 9.2 (1989): 61-65], which prompted a response by Daniel Eisenberg, «'Esta empressa,' no 'está impressa'» [Cervantes 13.2 (1993): 125-26], to which she replied with «Nota a la nota sobre una nota: 'impressa,' no 'empressa'» [Cervantes 15.1 (1995): 164-66]. -FJ. (N. from the E.)



«'Aquesa empresa, señor,
para mí estaba guardada
que mi señora la Reina
ya me la tiene mandada.'»

This quatrain appears in Historia de las guerras civiles de Granada. See El ingenioso hidalgo «Don Quijote de la Mancha». Nueva edición crítica de Francisco Rodríguez Marín (Madrid: 1948) vol. 8, p. 267, note 7. (N. from the A.)



Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. A New Translation From the Spanish with a critical text based on the first editions of 1605 and 1615... by Samuel Putnam (New York: Viking Press, 1949), p. 988. (N. from the A.)



The Adventures of Don Quixote. Translated by J. M. Cohen (Middlesex, England: The Chaucer Press, First edition, 1950; 1973), p. 939. (N. from the A.)



Don Quixote. The Ormsby translation, revised; edited by Joseph R. Jones and Kenneth Douglas (New York-London: Norton Critical Editions, 1981), p. 830. (N. from the A.)



Diccionario de la lengua castellana called de Autoridades. A. de Pagés-J. Pérez Hervás (Barcelona, n. d.), p. 944. (N. from the A.)



Composed by Elías Zerolo and other Spanish and Latin American Writers (Paris: Garnier Hermanos, n.d.) p. 939. (N. from the A.)



(Madrid: Real Academia Española, 1962) p. 547. (N. from the A.)