A character of «La gitanilla» exclaims at her first sight of Preciosa, «estos sí que son ojos de esmeralda!» («La gitanilla», Novelas ejemplares 1 [Buenos Aires: Biblioteca Clásica y Contemporánea, 1966]: 28). (N. from the A.)
Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from the first editions; references are by Part, page, and line. For the workmen who set these editions see my monographs The Compositors of the First and Second Madrid Editions of «Don Quixote», Part I, The Modern Humanities Research Association, London, 1975; «The Compositors of the First Edition of Don Quixote, Part II», Journal of Hispanic Philology, 6 (1981), 3-44; and «A Tale of Two Printings: Don Quixote, Part II», Studies in Bibliography, 39 (1986), 281-96. (N. from the A.)
Three of the times listed in Table 1 are occurrences of the
oíslo (mi oíslo 'my wife'), a compound word made up of the
verbal form
oís and the direct object
lo; see items 4, 39, and 64. Line
divisions have been noted only when they affect the cluster sl; cf., for
instance, items 3 (first-edition reading, «motrad-
| nosla») and 10. The first-edition readings for items 41
and 66 are «en comendemos lo»
and «darem osles». The letter
entered after the bibliographical data given for each item identifies the
compositor who set the reading. Contrary to what I stated in my article dealing
with the compositors of Part II, the workman who set the outer and inner formes
of the outer sheet of gathering M was not compositor I, but rather compositor
H; see my article «More on the Compositors of the First Edition of
Don Quixote, Part II», submitted
for publication. See Table 1, items 46, 47, and 48. (N. from the
The cluster sl is not too common in Spanish. Only one hundred
fifty-four readings containing this cluster, including two compositorial errors
«ceô» (II, N5r, 25) in lieu of «ceffô» (FCE, line 27796), and
brada» (II, Q4r, 31) in lieu of «de
brada» (FCE, 29340)- occur in
Don Quixote. The abbreviation FCE stands
for the control edition of my old-spelling concordance of
Don Quixote, University of British
Columbia Press, Vancouver, 1988. The thirty-three readings containing the
appear in FCE in the following lines: 54, 190, 613, 5309, 6101, 7501, 7576,
7665, 7696, 7698, 7923, 9370, 9418, 9603, 9608, 9703, 13077, 13096 (2
occurrences), 15193, 15262, 15674, 15728, 16784, 17714, 18303, 21109, 21696,
21903, 22912, 27089, 27796 (error), and 36646. Note that items 45 and 63 of
Table 1 have no ligature. (N. from the A.)
For a sort shortage of the ligature
FCE, Volume 1, at page xxvi. (N. from the A.)
FCE: 1786, 5815, 6791, 7741, 7848, 7972, 9428, 9671, 12335,
12539, 12608, 13398, 13806, 14228, 14369, 14568, 17583, 17635, 20710, 20994,
21003, 21019, 22209, 22297, 22426, 23208, 23246, 24662, 24763, 24899, 25036,
25743, 25796, 26264, 26532, 27921, 28598, 28616, 29002, 29518, 29665, 30655,
31799, 31843, 31859, 31904, 32425, 32740, 32747, 33423, 33899, 34437, 34497,
34712, 34906, 34931, 34980, 35093, 35233, 35470, 37202, 38313, 38596, and
39468. The compositors set two n's together only for the words
«innumerable» and «annis», and never set a medial
lower-case s before an m, an o, an l, or a t; therefore, the readings
| le» (I, Plv, 1-2),
«has me» (I, Cc3v, 7), «Vi
tes os»
(1, Ee6r, 5), «Prometimos
elo» (I, Ff7v, 6), «es
me» (II, GBr, 10),
«quieres te» (II, Plr, 16), «dexen
nos» (II, Y7v, 3),
and «acometierõ nos»
(II, Dd4v, 9) are clearly two- or
three-word forms. (N. from the A.)
For the possible identity of compositor F see my article
«The Compositors of the First Edition of
Don Quixote, Part II», footnote 27,
at page
43. Compositor F's use of the ligature
over the two-type sl form is a strong compositorial preference. Only two of the
seventeen readings containing the cluster sl set by him appear without the
ligature. But even these two departures from his common practice cannot be
considered inconsistencies. Both readings occur in Part II, and both are
capitalized occurrences of the word «Isla» (II, A2r, 4 and A6r, 15). The
case compositor F was using had the
sort, because he set the reading «legi
(II, Alv, 19) with a ligature; hence, we
can conclude that he either had changed his setting habit or, more likely, that
he did not like the looks of the cluster I
(the only other occurrence of the same word set
by compositor F appears with a lower-case initial and an
-ligature; «i
a,» I, Gglr, 4). It is worth noting, too, that whilst setting the
second Madrid edition of
Don Quixote, Part I (1605), compositor F
changed some occurrences of sl to
The Compositors, item 179 of Table 14, at
page 84. (N. from the A.)
En Estilo y estructura de la literatura española (Barcelona: Crítica, 1980, p. 291 de «Sobre el significado de Don Quijote». Esta mi investigación tiene presentes a mis amigos del anticuariado de libros de Madrid. Digo sus nombres porque no puedo olvidar el agradecimiento que debo a mi amigo Luis Bardón, a Guillermo Blázquez y a la Librería de La Escalinata de Madrid. También quiero agradecer la ayuda de bibliotecarios de la BN de Madrid, en especial a la Srta. Malo, y a Javier, del laboratorio fotográfico. La otra asistencia fundamental que tengo que mencionar es el repetido apoyo que siempre he tenido del Comité de Investigación de UCLA, tan comprensivo en mi caso. (N. del A.)
Ver su estudio «El Quijote de don Antonio Sancha (1777)», en Homenaje a Cervantes (Cuadernos de Insula, Madrid, 1947); se reeditó, con dedicatoria a G. Demerson, en Relieves de erudición (Madrid: Castalia, 1959); nuestra cita viene de las pp. 280-81. (N. del A.)
Sobre los Quijotes publicados por Juan Jolis tenemos en prensa un estudio en la revista Hispania que dirige ahora Theodore A. Sackett. (N. del A.)