Sentido y forma del «Quijote» (Madrid: Insula, 1966), p. 57. Mario Casella calls the innkeeper «an authentic, retired picaro». «Cervantian Picarism», trans. Raymond E. Barbera, in Cervantes: A Critical Trajectory, ed. Raymond E. Barbera (Boston: The Mirage Press, 1971), p. 145. (N. from the A.)
A. Sánchez Rivero, «Las ventas del Quijote», Revista de Occidente, 17 (1927), 15. (N. from the A.)
This recent surge of critical interest has resulted in several book-length works of criticism on the Persiles understood as romance, as well as numerous articles. Of particular interest are: Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce's edition of Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda with introduction and notes (all quotations from the Persiles are taken from this edition; Madrid; Castalia, 1969), his critical work, Nuevos deslindes cervantinos (Barcelona: Ariel, 1975),which devotes several chapters to the Persiles; Alban K. Forcione's Cervantes' Christian Romance (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1972) and his Cervantes, Aristotle, and the Persiles (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1970); Ruth El Saffar's Beyond Fiction (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1984), with about one-third dedicated to the Persiles. (N. from the A.)
Obras completas de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Persiles y Sigismunda, edited by Rodolfo Schevill and Adolfo Bonilla, I (Madrid, 1914), p. XLIII: «John Fletcher, en su grosera farsa The Custom of the Country, utilizó dos o tres episodios del Persiles, como la historia de Transila y la del polaco Ortel Banedre, añadiendo de su propia cosecha lo que de ningún modo merece recuerdo en la historia literaria». (N. from the A.)
William W. Appleton, Beaumont and Fletcher, A Critical Study (London, 1956), pp. 85-86: «Most critics have altogether disregarded it [The Custom of the Country] or cited it as a glaring example of the depths to which Fletcher was prepared to descend». (N. from the A.)
Modern Language Review, 56 (1961), 563-66. (N. from the A.)
In Homenaje a Sherman H. Eoff, (Madrid: Castalia, 1970), pp. 203-20. (N. from the A.)
He affirms that a new reading of the play is necessary to achieve «una visión más rica, en su complejidad, de la atracción que el estilo cervantino ejerce en Fletcher y Massinger» (p. 205). (N. from the A.)
For a discussion of the confusion in the Persiles regarding Hibernia and Ireland, see Howarth, p. 564. (N. from the A.)
For the symbolism of these events, see Forcione, pp. 112-15. (N. from the A.)