The possibilities of intergeneric play have been brilliantly explored by Rosalie Colie, The Resources of Kind: Genre-Theory in the Renaissance, ed. Barbara K. Lewalski (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973), The larger program hinted at in this final paragraph will be the subject of a forthcoming book on picaresque. I explore another aspect of the problem of genre in «Problems of a Model for the Picaresque and the Case of Quevedo's Buscón», BHS, 59 (1982), 95-100. (N. from the A.)
Research for this article was conducted in part under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged. (N. from the A.)
Ruth El Saffar's vision of the characters in the Quijote as characters who assume the role of author, who slide in and out of the identities of narrator and narrated, has obviously been of critical importance in the formulation of the ideas here expressed. Divergences will also be apparent. See Ruth El Saffar, Distance and Control in «Don Quixote». A Study in Narrative Technique (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975), passim. (N. from the A.)
F. Márquez Villanueva, Personajes y temas del «Quijote» (Madrid: Taurus, 1975), pp. 98-99. (N. from the A.)
See Jaime Oliver Asín, «La hija de Agi Morato en las obras de Cervantes», Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 27 (1947-48), 245-339; Helena Percas de Ponseti, Cervantes y su concepto del arte (Madrid: Gredos, 1975), 227-28 and 234-35. (N. from the A.)
J. J. Allen, «Autobiografía y ficción: El relato del Capitán cautivo», Anales Cervantinos, 15 (1976), 149-55. (N. from the A.)
Ramón Nieto is mistaken when he avers that Ruy Pérez and Zoraida reach Spain poor because «las joyas que ella sacó de casa se perdieron a manos de piratas franceses». In fact, these jewels were thrown overboard by the Renegade, who is probably imposing his -and Cervantes'- Algerian experience on an apparently analogous situation. If a new captive has wealth on his person he is presumed to be rich and important. His ransom is consequently set at an impossibly high figure, with the result that he is never ransomed. See Ramón Nieto, «Cuatro parejas en el Quijote», Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 276 (1973), 513. (N. from the A.)
Don Quijote, ed. Luis A. Murillo (Madrid: Castalia, 1978), I, 509. All subsequent references to the text are made to this edition. (N. from the A.)
Les Guides Michelin, Côte de l'Atlantique, 6e édition (Paris: Michelin, 1973), p. 131. (N. from the A.)
Louis Marie Meschinet de Richemond, Origine et progrès de la réformation à la Rochelle (Paris: Sandoz et Fischbacher, 1872), p. 86. (N. from the A.)