Cf. his El krausismo español, Fondo de cultura económica, México-Buenos Aires, [1956]; his «Una crisis de la conciencia española: krausismo y religión», in Cuadernos americanos, marzo-abril, pp. 161-180 (especially pp. 176-180 on Azcárate and his Minuta de un testamento); and his «Galdós y el krausismo», in Revista de Occidente, Vol. 20 [1968], No. 60 [marzo], pp. 331-357. (N. del A.)
In Anales galdosianos, II (1967), p. 2 and nn. 19 and 20. (N. del A.)
In his La Institución Libre de Enseñanza, Vol. I, Madrid, Ediciones Rialp, 1962, p. 509 and n. 118. (N. del A.)
In Benito Pérez Galdós and the Creative Process, Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Pr. [1954], especially pp. 36-53, 73-80. (N. del A.)
«Los elementos bíblicos en la novela Gloria, de Pérez Galdós», in Quaderni Ibero-Americani, No. 25, pp. 1-8, and reprinted in Correa's book, El simbolismo religioso en las novelas de Pérez Galdós, Gredos, Madrid [1962], pp. 49-62. (N. del A.)
New York and London, The Century Co. [1927]. (N. del A.)
Only one Biblical reference is noted here for each item, although in many cases there are more: 1. Don Ángel would heal Morton as Ananías cured the blind Saúl (Gloria, 1-XX-144-145; Acts 9: 17-18); 2. Galdós says Don Ángel was «como Tobías» left by the ángel Raphael (1-XXX-237; Tobit 13); 3. Miracle of the loaves and fishes (Gloria 1-XXXII-255; Matt. 14: 16-21 and 15 : 34-38); 4. Don Silvestre as a fisher of men (Gloria 2-XII-142; Matt, 4: 19); 5. Pearl of great price (Gloria 2-XII-144; Matt. 13 : 46); 6. «Forgive them, for they know not...» (Gloria 2-XIII-146; Luke 23 : 34); 7. Slight variation of 5 (Gloria 2-XXI-218; Luke 23 : 34); 8. Samson and Gaza (Gloria 2-XVI-177); Judges 16 : 3). 9. Serafina quotes Job (Gloria 2-XIX-201; ?); 10. Galdós compares Esther to four Biblical heroines: Deborah, Jael, Judith, Esther (2-XXVI-270; Judges 4: 4, 4: 21; Judith 8-16; Esther, 14-15); 11. Morton's sarcasm in saying «baja de esa cruz» (Gloria 2-XXVIII-286; Matt. 27 : 40). For Sermon on the Mount data see below: penultimate paragraph. (N. del A.)
This phrase refers to Krause's doctrine of panentheism, with which Galdós earlier gave evidence of being acquainted, when he has the pedantic abogadillo Jacinto, in Doña Perfecta, mouth the term (Ed. Madrid, Perlado, Páez y Cía, 1907, p. 94). (N. del A.)
Gloria complains that her uncle the bishop's order that she not see her infant son is an ungenerous violation of human nature (2-XVIII-188); Morton reminds his mother that «antes que hubiera religiones hubo Naturaleza» (2-XXVII-274). (N. del A.)
See above, n. 9. El krausismo español, pp. 13, 35, 47. (N. del A.)