For a specific discussion of stylistic features see Madeleine de Gogorza Fletcher «Galdós» in The Spanish Historical Novel 1870-1970 (London: Tamesis Books, 1974). (N. del A.)
[El aparato de notas del original aparece al final del artículo, en las páginas 117 y 118. (N. del E.)]
Cf. Manuel de la Revilla, «Bocetos literarios- -D. Benito Pérez Galdós», in Revista Contemporánea, T. XIV, marzo-abril, 1878, p. 121, 124; the article is dated 15 junio 1877 and is later incorporated in his posthmous book Críticas, 2.ª s., Burgos, 1885, pp. 133-138. Cf. also Armando Palacio Valdés, «Los novelistas españoles- -D. Benito Pérez Galdós», in Revista Europea, 17 and 31 March 1878; the article is incorporated in his book Los novelistas españoles- -semblanzas literarias, Madrid, [1878], pp. 17-47 (see especially, pp. 36, 40-46); also Leopoldo Alas (Clarín), «Gloria: Novela del señor Pérez Galdós (Primera Parte)», in Revista Europea, 18-II-77, pp. 207-212, reprinted three days later in El solfeo, No. 491, where later his articles on Part 2 also appeared (Nos. 594 and 595, 29 and 30-IV-77); these articles were collected and republished, some times with revisions, several times later: see the author's Solos, 1881 (4th ed., 1891, pp. 361-375), and his Obras completas, Vol. 1 (Galdós), 1912, pp. 39-61. (N. del A.)
José María de Pereda considered Don Ángel «un obispo casi bobo», as, under date of 15-II-77, he wrote his friend, fellow-Santanderino, and, like himself, orthodox Catholic authoritarian Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo (See Epistolario de Pereda y Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, CSIC, 1953, p. 21). Clarín calls the bishop a «santo implacable» (Solos, p. 373). (N. del A.)
Gloria, Madrid, 1905, 2.ª parte, p. 341; subsequent references to the novel will be to this edition. (N. del A.)
In Revista Europea, 1880, p. 413b. (N. del A.)
The high priest Caiaphas (Matt. 26: 3 and 65). (N. del A.)
Galdós' first sentence of Part 2 reads: «Lo que ahora se refiere ocurrió en Abril y en Semana Santa...» Galdós may indeed have regretted writing Part 2, saying that he had been persuaded to do it by X... (Clarín, Obras completas, p. 28), whose identity may be krausista Urbano González Serrano (see Pattison, n. 12 below, pp. 101, 104; also, we may observe, Galdós had three books of González Serrano, all of 1874, in his private library: see H. Chonon Berkowitz, La biblioteca de Benito Pérez Galdós, El Museo Canario, CSIC [Las Palmas], 1951, Nos. 488-490). But there is no doubt that he had the essential content -that of the Jewish intolerance to balance that of Catholic doctrine predominant in Part I- in mind during the writing of Part I (see Walter T. Pattison, «The Manuscript of Gloria», in Anales galdosianos, IV (1969), 55-61); Cf. also Pereda's letter (n. 2 above, pp. 21-22). Charles A. Zamora has disclosed many more details of the structural parallelism between Gloria and the Bible («Tiempo cíclico: estructura temporal en Gloria, de Galdós», in Hispania, XLVI (1963), 465-470. (N. del A.)
In his Historia de los heterodoxos españoles (1880-1881), in his Obras completas, Vol. XL, CSIC, Santander, 1948, pp. 480-481, and quoted by Mariano Baquero Goyanes, La novela española vista por Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1956, p. 203. (N. del A.)
See above, n. 1, Solos, p. 374, and Obras completas, p. 56. (N. del A.)