Ver «El manuscrito de Doña Perfecta...» en este mismo volumen, donde se describen los cambios en los títulos de los capítulos. (N. del E.)
Galdós anticipates the Reconquest frame of reference in the second chapter when he refers to the landscape as a cloak and then adds the following comment: «Sobre aquella capa miserable, el cristianismo y el islamismo, habían trabado épicas batallas. Gloriosos campos sí; pero los combates de antaño los habían dejado horribles» (410). The last sentence seems to refer as much to the mentality of the people who, inhabit the land as to the land itself. (N. del A.)
Cardwell, p. 32. (N. del A.)
David T. Sisto in «Doña Perfecta y Doña Bárbara», Hispania, XXVII (1954), 169, makes the following statement about Perfecta's hatred of Rey: «We can feel that Doña Perfecta's ultimate hatred of Pepe Rey is an inner vengeance of the former dissipation of her worthless husband. She foresees the same disappointment and unhappiness for her daughter if the latter marries such a liberal as Pepe Rey». The circumstances of Perfecta's life make such a motivation possible, which if real, is certainly understressed in the novel. Perfecta's acts ultimately destroy Rosario's sanity, which suggest that Perfecta's conduct corresponds to some deeper irrational need than that of preserving her daughter's happiness. (N. del A.)
Cardwell, p. 43. (N. del A.)
The question of Villaamil's responsibility has produced a spate of articles in recent years in Anales galdosianos. (N. del A.)
See Arnold M. Penuel, «The Ambiguity of Orozco's Virtue in Galdós' La incógnita and Realidad», Hispania, LIII (1970), 411-418. (N. del A.)
Sherman H. Eoff in The Novels of Pérez Galdós: The Concept of Life as Dynamic Process (St. Louis, 1954), pp. 141-142, comments on the affinities between Galdós' characterization and Hegel's idea of a dialectical process in history. (N. del A.)
[El aparato de notas del original aparece al final del artículo, en la página 90. (N. del E.)]
La batalla de los Arapiles, Madrid, suc. de Hernando, 1921. (N. del A.)