See my «Individual, Class, and Society in Fortunata y Jacinta», Galdós Studies II, ed. Robert J. Weber (London: Tamesis, 1974), 49-68.
José F. Montesinos, Galdós (Madrid, 1969), II, 123.
Ricardo Gullón, Técnicas de Galdós (Madrid, 1970) 107-108. The chapter on La de Bringas repeats many of the ideas previously expressed in Gullón's Introduction to his edition of La de Bringas (New Jersey, 1967).
This paper was accepted and in press before the publication of Roberto G. Sánchez's excellent article, «The Function of Dates and Deadlines in Galdós' La de Bringas», HR, Vol. 46, 1978, nr. 3, 299-311.
All page references are to Benito Pérez Galdós, Obras completas, edited by F. C. Sainz de Robles (Madrid, 1949), IV.
No specific date is given for the day on which the agreement is made but it is after 8 July when the «reinado de Golfín» begins (p. 1618).
For a discussion on the interview with Refugio see W. H. Shoemaker, «Galdós' Classical Scene in La de Bringas», Hispanic Review, 27 (1959), 423-34.
The different methods of payment of husband and wife are mentioned in J. E. Varey, «Francisco Bringas: nuestro buen Thiers», Anales Galdosianos, I (1966), 63-69.
Although Benina, the heroine of Misericordia ultimately embodies the spiritually triumphant state of tragedy transcended, she demonstrates, nevertheless, those positive qualities of imagination and strength which characterize the tragic heroic individual.
Quoted by Eric Bentley, The life of the drama, London, 1965, p. 40.