His articles on the war in La Esfera in the autumn of 1915 will be readily recalled (cf. Shoemaker, La Crítica Literaria de Galdós, Madrid, Ínsula, 1979, p. 67). (N. del A.)
Cf. sections of Torquemada y San Pedro and Nazarín (Shoemaker, The Novelistic Art of Galdós, III, Valencia, 1982, pp. 139, 141, 148, 168. (N. del A.)
Galdós had always been fascinated by ships (Shoemaker, The Novelistic Art of Galdós, I, Valencia, 1980, p. 27. (N. del A.)
See Shoemaker, Los Prólogos de Galdós, México, 1962, pp. 28-30, 79-98. (N. del A.)
Title page of the edition of the text of the play by Perlado, Páez y Cía, Madrid, 1909. (N. del A.)
Celia was indeed first performed on December 9, 1913, but Marta, twice named thus, is beyond my identification. Galdós' next estreno was Alceste, on April 21, 1914, of which he orders a copy sent to his friend Estrañí (16-IX-14). (N. del A.)
The Huelva and Barcelona letters were dictated, a note written on each of them declares, «a una persona de su confianza. La firma es autógrafa». (N. del A.)
This is further evidence of the primordial importance of the plan in Galdós' novelistic art (cf. Shoemaker, The Novelistic Art of Galdós, I, Valencia, 1980, passim, especially pp. 158-161. (N. del A.)
Stephen Miller, El mundo de Galdós: Teoría, tradición y evolución creativa del pensamiento socio-literario galdosiano. Estudios de literatura y pensamiento hispánicos. Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo: Santander, 1983, 192 pp. (N. del A.)
Thomas R. Franz, Remaking Reality in Galdós: A Writer's Interactions With His Context. Athens, Ohio: Strathmore Press, 1982, 114 pp. (N. del A.)