Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (London: Everyman, 1970), pp. 186-188. See Stephen Gilman's forthcoming article in Anales galdosianos wherein he discusses the importance of this same scene in relation to Jacinta's visit to the cuarto estado. He was the first to point out the possibility of Betty Higden's being a partial prototype for Encarnación: «She was one of those old women, was Mrs. Betty Higden, who by dint of an indomitable purpose and a strong constitution fight down many years, though each year has come with its new knockdown blows fresh to the fight against her, wearied by it; an active old woman, with a bright dark eye and a resolute face...» (p. 186).
A tendency recently subjected to critical scrutiny by R. Cardwell in «Galdós' Early Novels and the segunda manera: A Case for a Total View», Renaissance and Modern Studies, XV (1971), 44-62.
M. Z. Hafter, «Galdós' Presentation of Isidora in La desheredada», Modern Philology, LX (1962), 22-30.
R. H. Russell, «The Structure of La desheredada» Modern Language Notes, LXXVI (1961), 794-800.
A. Ruiz Salvador, «La función del trasfondo histórico en La desheredada», Anales Galdosianos, I (1966), 53-62.
J. F. Montesinos, Galdós, vol. II (Madrid, 1969).
J. Lowe, «Galdós' Skill in La desheredada», Iberoromania, II (1971), 142-51.
Modern Language Notes, LXXXIX (1974), 191-201.
V. M. Gordon, «The Medical Background to Galdós' La desheredada», Anales Galdosianos, VII (1972), 67-76.
Art. cit., p. 193.