These details are drawn from a variety of press accounts of the assassination attempt and of the evidence given at the trial.
Galdós published accounts of both trials in his Cronicón. V. Alberto Ghiraldo, Obras inéditas, VI (Madrid, 1924).
At this time, for example, Charcot, at the Salpêtrière, was on the threshold of discoveries which were to alter radically the prevailing assumptions about the primacy of physiological factors in producing mental illness.
Esquerdo's psychiatric theories were derived principally from the French psychiatrists (Guislain, Moreau de Tours et al.), Maudsley and Lombroso.
V. Luis Granjel, Historia de la pediatría española, (Salamanca, 1965).
For further details regarding this foundation -and also an interesting sidelight en the reflection of it in La loca de la casa- see R. Ricard, «Tolosa Latour, el P. Lerchundi y La loca de la casa», AG, III (1968), 94-97.
Obras Completas, Aguilar ed. (Madrid, 1969), IV, p. 371.
Humor in Galdós (New Hayen and London, 1968).
For an interesting illustration of non-omniscience as it is reflected in the use of tenses in the novel, see S. Bacarisse, «The Realism of Galdós: Some Reflections on Language and the Perception of Reality», BHS, XLII (1965), pp. 239-250.
B. Pérez Galdós, Obras Completas (Madrid, 1950). All references are to Vol. V.