Alianza Editorial edition (Madrid, 1967), p. 15. All further references are to this edition.
V. J. Espinosa Iborra, La asistencia psiquiátrica en la España del siglo XIX (Valencia, 1963).
Quoted by Espinosa Iborra, p. 104.
Manuel Tolosa Latour and Angel Pulido, De Carabanchel al Paraíso (Madrid, 1882). «El Paraíso» was the name Esquerdo gave to the Villajoyosa establishment.
Esquerdo's attitude to hydrotherapy is discussed in glowing terms by one of his disciples, V. Garrido Escuín, in a book entitled La cárcel o el manicomio (Madrid, 1889), p. 53.
The term «locura moral» (moral insanity) was coined by the professor of legal medicine at London University, Harold Maudsley, who was considered to be one of the leading experts in the field of criminal insanity and whose works are often quoted by Esquerdo. His principal works were translated into Spanish, viz. La Responsabilidad del hombre (Madrid, 1881), La locura moral (Valencia, s.a.) and El crimen y la locura (Valencia, s.a.).
J. M. Esquerdo, Preocupaciones reinantes acerca de la locura, a lecture given at the Ateneo de Internos on December 5th, 1878.
La Gaceta Universal, April l2th, 1880.
These lectures were reported by Angel Pulido in El Siglo Médico (February 6th, 1881). Galdós, of course, makes use of the Sacamantecas nickname for one of his characters in Lo prohibido. One of the symptoms Esquerdo attributes to Garayo is a rotating eye, a fact which may well account for the same unusual feature in La desheredada's Juan Bou.
V. El Liberal, February 7th, 1880.