V. H. C. Berkowitz, La biblioteca de Pérez Galdós (Las Palmas, 1951).
Morel's theories were contained in his Traité des dégéndrescences (Paris, 1857) and Traité des Maladies Mentales (Paris, 1860). They were echoed by another prominent French aliéniste of the period, T. A. Ribot (L'Hérédité psychologique, Paris, 1873) and subsequently popularised by Max Nordau's pseudo-philosophical Entartung (1895), later translated into Spanish as Degeneración (Madrid, 1902). Nordau, however, came to degeneration theory by way of Lombroso's criminological works. For an account of psychiatry in nineteenth century Spain see Trino Peraza de Ayala, La psiquiatría española en el siglo XIX (Madrid, 1947).
See Rafael Bosch's «La sombra y la psicopatología de Galdós», A. C., VI, 1971, 21-42 (Editor's note).
V. Sebastián de la Nuez and José Schraibman, Cartas del archivo de Galdós (Madrid, 1967).
«Manuel Tolosa Latour: Prototype of Augusto Miquis», AG, III (1968), 91-94.
Galdós, II (Madrid, 1969), p. 16.
Montesinos' assertion that the tone of the letters «indica que el comienzo de aquella relación no estaba muy distante» is difficult to accept. Admittedly, in his first two letters Tolosa uses the usted form of address (they are the only ones where he does so), but it must be borne in mind that this was common practice in the nineteenth century even between quite close friends and these letters are no more formal than many of those which were exchanged between Galdós and people whom we know to have been his firm friends, as a glance through the Pereda correspondence, for example, would suffice to show.
V. R. J. Weber, «Galdós' Preliminary Sketches for Torquemada y San Pedro», BHS, XLIV (1967), 16-27.
The only biography of Esquerdo is José de Eleizegui's rather inadequate Don José María Esquerdo (Madrid, 1914). Much useful information on his activites at this period, however, is to be found in Manuel L. Ortega, Figuras Ibéricas: el Dr. Pulido (Madrid, 1935).
The earliest concrete evidence of Galdós' friendship with Esquerdo is a letter of Tolosa Latour, dated 1885, in which he mentions an invitation from Esquerdo to stay with him and presses Galdós to join them. This letter is omitted in the Schraibman and De la Nuez collection but is mentioned by R. Ricard in his «Nouvelles Remarques sur Lo prohibido de Galdós», Bulletin Hispanique, LXIX (1967), 389-406.