Gerald Gillespie, «Galdós and Positivism», in compilation of papers published by Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, 1967, 109-20.
Sherman H. Eoff, The Novels of Pérez Galdós: The Concept of Life as Dynamic Process (St. Louis, 1954), 10-11, 132-3.
C. A. Jones, «Galdós' Marianela and the Approach to Reality», Modern Language Review, LVI (1961), 515-9.
Mario E. Ruiz, «El idealismo platónico en Marianela de Galdós», Hispania, LIII (1970), 870.
In a recent, unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, Arnold M. Penuel, «Charity in the Novels of Galdós», Dissertation Abstracts, XXIX (1969), 2721-22A (Illinois), this important theme in Galdós's work has been treated in depth. But Permel's references to Marianela are not numerous and are limited to pointing out the differences between Teodoro's and Sofía's attitude to charity, and showing how Florentina's final efforts to help Nela fail. The conclusions of this article will, I hope, go beyond these somewhat superficial observations. But I would like to agree wholeheartedly with Penuel when he declares: «Charity has been disclosed to be a major theme in Marianela» (321).
All references are to Benito Pérez Galdós, Obras completas, ed. F. C. Sainz de Robles, IV (Madrid, Aguilar, 1969).
Agnes Money, «Enigmas de Galdós», Ínsula, XX, ccxii (1965), 12.
It should be made clear that the word «positivism» is being used here without reference to Comtian Positivism which stresses altruism. (The Editors).
C. R. Darwin: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (London, 1859). Galdós does not mention it in Marianela, but two years previously in Doña Perfecta he had referred to «las doctrinas de Darwin» (Obras completas, IV, 438).
José F. Montesinos, Galdós (Madrid, 1968), I 249.