Ensayo sobre la novela histórica, Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Bs. As., 1942, p. 128.
Sobre este paralelismo nacional-personal, puede verse el artículo de Geoffrey Ribbans, «Contemporary History in the Structure and Characterization of Fortunata y Jacinta», Galdós Studies, J. E. Varey, compilador, Londres, Tamesis Books, 1970, pp. 90-113. Señala Ribbans: «The parallel established between Spain's political disturbances and Juanito Santa Cruz's promiscuity culminates in this lively and amusing episode in which the two themes alternate and interact. Politically, Spain is to experience an utterly chatic and anarchical year before an established and outwardly legitimate form of government is restored And as a result of Villalonga's revelations, Juanito kicks over the traces and sets out to find his former lover. Instead, he catches pneumonia. This is the end of the first book», p. 102.
Sobre el estilo indirecto libre en Galdós, ver el muy útil artículo de Robert E. Lott, «From Irony to Empathy and Ambiguity in Galdós' use of Free Indirect Style in Misericordia», Studies in Honor of Tatiana Fotitch, Washington, The Catholic University Press, 1971, páginas 255-260.
Benito Pérez Galdós, La sombra, in Obras completas, 6th ed. (Madrid: Aguilar, 1966). All paginated references in the text are to this edition.
Galdós, p. 189.
Harriet S. Turner, «Rhetoric in La Sombra: the Author and his Story», Anales galdosianos, 7 (1971), 11.
For confirmation of this principle in more recent fiction, one need only point to the critical reception given Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, in which the narrator is also the murderer, a fact of which the reader is unaware and by which he is led astray. For many, this was the one game or technique in which an author could not in fairness indulge. The comparison is not a frivolous one, for, as Germán Gullón has demonstrated, La sombra is, in many ways, a detective novel. See: «La sombra, novela de suspense y novela fantástica», Actas del Primer Congreso Internacional de Estudios Galdosianos (Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1977), pp. 351-56.
Turner, p. 9.
Carlos Rovettá, «La Sombra, novela primigenia de Galdós», Nosotros, 7 (Nov. 1943), 185-86.
Turner, p. 12.