Balzac, Goriot, p. 119.
See note 20.
See Rodolfo Cardona, «Apostillas a los Episodios nacionales de Hans Hinterhäuser», Anales galdosianos, 3 (1968), pp. 119-42, especially p. 141.
The titles themselves indicate the importance of the family. Goriot's very existence is predicated on his fatherhood -ironically, because his daughters care very little about him. Isidora believes herself to be the disinherited scion of a noble house, again ironically, for her life is not ruined by the Aransis family but by her true father, Tomás Rufete, and her uncle in loco parentis, Santiago Quijano-Quijada.
Balzac, Goriot, pp. 333-34.
Stephen Gilman, «Galdós as Reader», Anales galdosianos, anejo (1978), pp. 21-35. The quote in the text is from p. 28.
Gilman, p. 28.
The descriptive term filogenitura was probably left in because it fits the tone of the chapter very well. This chapter (I, xii, «Los Peces [sermón]») is presented as a mock sermon about a family that is described in mock-scientific terms (principios líquidos y gaseosos, ley de la gravitación social, Barbus voracissimus, Rémora vastatrix, etc.). But the phrenologist and the bump were not needed to characterize Pez. Since Galdós did not believe in phrenology as Balzac had, nothing would be lost by dispensing with these terms, for the characterization on Don Manuel would remain perfectly clear without them.
See Federico Castejón, «Cubí, precursor de Lombroso» in Revista Española de Criminología y Psiquiatría, Madrid, 1929; also L. Jiménez Asúa, «Antropología criminal y política criminal» in Revista general de legislación y jurisprudencia, Madrid, 1915. Carnicer gives more bibliography in his book, p. 289.
Stephen Jay Gould, «The Criminal as Nature's Mistake, or the Ape in Some of Us», in his Ever Since Darwin (New York: Norton, 1979), pp. 222-28. The quote in the text is from p. 223.