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For easy reference, I am giving the page numbers of the Princeps edition of Cervantes' complete works collected in facsimile by the Real Academia Española, 7 vols. (Madrid: 1917). The Roman numerals refer to the volume; the Arabic numbers to the pages: II, 4, 62, 288, 303; III, 14, 42, 56, 104, 222, 242, 243; IV, 2, 39, 48, 77, 107, 118, 119, 141, 193, 264. (N. from the A.)



For A. J. Cascardi's response to this review see «The Bounds of Reason: Critical Response», Cervantes 8.1 (1988): 109-14. (N. from the E.)



In the last number (on pp. 75-78) this review was published after I had sent our printer some corrections just before it went to press. Instead of placing the corrections where they should have been put, the printer placed them at the beginning of the review. The result made the review start out in the middle, and then duplicate what had just been said. We didn't know what had happened until the number was printed, bound and distributed. My apologies to Professors Damiani and Forbes Gerhard. T.L. (N. form the E.)