Galatea celebrations this year include those at the University of California at Santa Barbara («The Threshold of Cervantes' Art: La Galatea Four Hundred Years Later», May 1-3), and at the Pennsylvania State University-Behrend College («Cervantes and the Pastoral», May 23-25), as well as the CSA's own «Celebration of Cervantes on the Fourth Centenary of La Galatea» (Washington, D. C., October 25-26). Juan de la Cuesta-Hispanic Monographs is publishing a collection of articles, edited by Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce, called La Galatea de Cervantes-Cuatrocientos años después. It treats La Galatea and the question of pastoral in Cervantes.
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Arthur Efron announces that his Don Quixote and the Dulcineated World, out of print at Texas, has been reissued in paperback as numbers 59-60 of Paunch, and may be purchased by CSA members from him (English, SUNY- Buffalo) at the special price of $9.00.